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Mars and Mercury Retrograde: Your Values and Priorities Shift this Spring

by Mark Dodich

Have the activities and people that used to hold your attention lost their luster? Do you have that feeling that something is waiting for you just around the bend, but you can’t quite see it yet?

Well, the spring season brings a less common Mars retrograde cycle combined with the very common Mercury retrograde cycle. Your ambitions, priorities and values are shifting this spring to help you step out of a rut that has become just a bit too comfortable. 

Mars gives the illusion of moving backwards almost every two years. It is retrograde April 17-June 29 in Sagittarius and Scorpio. Although this is a disconcerting example, the last Mars retrograde in Sagittarius occurred just before the 9-1-1 attack. All of the secret planning was going on, and when Mars turned direct, the attack took place. Of course, there were many other factors going on then, so it does not necessarily mean that another attack is coming. 

The more likely scenario is that the politicians will be preparing behind the scenes attack plans to assault us with advertising. But to be honest, there is potential around April 17th for something bad to happen in the news. Don’t buy into media fears and remember that there are good things to come from this energy. As an example, I am   preparing all the behind the scenes details to lead a sacred African safari after Mars turns direct-that’s a positive use of the energy!

During Mars retrograde, you review your ambition and do behind the scenes planning for what you want to bring forth after August. The Scorpio part of this cycle requires you to eliminate those activities, people and ambitions that are part of the past. The Sagittarius part of the cycle reminds you that life is an adventure. You must take a risk on yourself to have improvement in your life. Sagittarius is associated with your belief system, so you must expand your belief system if you want to go to the next level.

Adding fuel to the fire is the more common Mercury retrograde cycle, April 28-May 22 in Taurus. All of the communications breakdown cycles this year include the earth element, and that means attention to the pragmatic side of life. In Taurus, you rethink the possessions you have and/or need. You analyze your cash flow and come up with new ideas to manifest your material world needs and desires. But Taurus isn’t just about money; it also represents creating greater art, beauty and sensual pleasures in your life. Still, it is great energy for a garage sale. 

When you put mental Mercury and ambitious Mars together, these simultaneous retrograde cycles help you sort out that which has value to you from that which you are ready to release. You create new ideas to bring a bigger part of your spirit into the world. And the beauty is that it gets to work in today’s mundane world, not off in some distant Utopia. 

The price is that you must release the past. You must have faith in yourself and take a risk on manifesting your dreams. Finally, know that stepping into a larger life takes planning and preparation. You can’t just wing it and see what happens. By autumn, you have put all the pieces into place and are actively creating your goals and desires.

Mark Dodich is a well-known astrologer with specialties in relocation astrology maps and esoteric Seven Rays spiritual purpose consultations. Mark leads metaphysical travel to sacred places including an African safari in September. Check out his full bio and register for his free newsletter www.astromark.us (503) 252-1558

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