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Leaning In To Peace

by Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.

Every thought we think, every word we speak, every action we take matters and has a ripple effect on everyone around us.

We are all here to learn lessons specific to our journey as a Soul this lifetime. We signed up to undergo these lessons before we incarnated and although we might go through times when we feel like a victim of a circumstance or relationship, we actually aren’t. Our experiences only become a problem when the emotional pain caused by the experiences become stuck in the subconscious and the energy field.

When we become aware of what the lesson from the experience is, however painful, that is half of the solution. If we dig deep within ourselves and ask; ‘how did I attract this relationship…this experience’ etc., we can understand the lesson. When we understand the lesson, we can consciously choose differently the next time, whether it is a job, a relationship, a professional healer etc.

As the frequencies continue to increase and we become more sensitive as we are evolving, it becomes even more important to slow ourselves down and silence the noise so we can hear our own thoughts and be aware of how we feel, without distractions from the world outside.
Here are a few easy ways to do this:

1- Take holidays from your phone and computer on a regular basis.
(My favorite day to turn everything off is Sunday - I consider that my ME day and I just want to be quiet; walk in nature, write, listen to a Spiritual talk, link up with my Guides, float in a float tank which is completely quiet…I have no need or desire for a phone or computer etc. to disrupt my serenity, especially on a Sunday.)

2- Meditate and be thankful every morning, even if it seems like a little thing, like a delicious cup of coffee that came out just right! There are lots of little things that can help you have a better day when you stop to notice them.

3- Walk in your neighborhood or walk in nature among the trees and birds and animals who you might not be able to see, but are living there. Remember you are walking in their home and be respectful and loving as they share their home with you. Spread your good energy as you walk, hug a tree if you feel like it. It’s all good and good for you.

4- Journal often. This is an excellent way to actually slow down your thoughts so you can hear them and a good way for you to process whatever is going on for you.
5- And if you want to resolve some lingering issues, quickly, you can also reach out to me and I will help you come to peace about whatever it is you desire as we prepare to begin a new year.

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed., Metaphysician, Shaman, Author.
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