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Healing From Sexual Abuse

by Linda Cucurullo

Healing from sexual abuse is a long road, and there are many levels that need attention. Early sexual abuse is a trauma that wounds the spirit and steals the soul. One minute you’re an innocent child and the next minute you feel frightened, powerless and confused. If it continues through days, months, even years your body becomes the home of fear and unexpressed anger that turns into contained rage. It is terrible for your health and contributes to depression, anxiety as well as addictive behavior. Your body and thought process becomes numb to natural feelings and subtle messages. Emotional pain and terror hover over you like monsters in the darkness that you live in. Your body energy is deformed and blocked as it holds the posture of shame, fear and anger.

Being a survivor myself, and being the close relative and friend to countless other victims, some that are in the healing process, others that are still frozen, I can tell you that the body remembers things that the mind has long ago put to sleep. We live with our past terrors that have formed our posture and been ingrained in our body structure. We can unconsciously hold on to patterns that make it difficult or impossible to move forward, have wholesome relationships or be at peace.

In working through my own healing I have studied the supportive healing arts from early adulthood. I began with yoga and fortunately my teacher did not teach an athletic brand of yoga. It was slow, meditative, gentle and healing. In the beginning I was a constant victim of free floating anxiety. Through his instruction I eventually let go of tensions I had been carrying around for years. When my body was calm and at peace again I began to heal emotionally. I began to really know my own true spirit and love it. I was able to take care of myself in ways I never imagined.

In my study of yoga therapy and the healing arts I have developed a few physical releasing techniques will help you release some of the emotional tension that has taken up in your body and hardened into habits that hold onto deep memories. Try some of these rituals on a daily basis and you will see the difference. Be aware when you start to move energy that has been trapped for awhile you might unearth some of the old feelings. They will go away in time. Know that they are only temporary feelings and will move out soon. Don’t be afraid.


Provide yourself with a safe space, curtains and shades drawn and a door that can be locked. Feeling safe is very important in taking deep breaths. Your breath becomes locked in the throat when you do not feel safe. Lie on the floor or bed and cover yourself with a blanket. Place a heavy book on your lower belly and begin the following deep breath. Do it at least 10 times or stay for as long as you want. I assure you that you will feel safe, quiet and relaxed for hours after a simple breathing session.

Breathe in through your nose sending the breath deep into the belly moving the book upward. When you breathe out do so though your mouth as if you are blowing out a candle across the room. Take time deepening your inhalation and lengthening your exhalation. You could add the following mantra as you breathe. For each breath you can silently say “I am safe”. The effects of this simple session will last for hours.


To help the release of retracted muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia that has frozen in fear. I use a tennis ball to massage the hands, feet, across the chest and your body in general. Roll it firmly on the top and bottom of your feet, moving over each toe a few times. Do the same with your hands. Hands and feet hold huge tension. Roll it firmly across the top of your chest from shoulder to shoulder. Put it on the floor, lay on top of it and roll around on it. Again, remember when you begin to dislodge the frightened spirit within it might feel on the verge of pleasure, pain.


Again bring yourself to your safe place with windows and doors closed. Lie down comfortably on you back and gently yet firmly massage your belly from the breast bone to the pubic bone in a clock wise motion. This will begin to stimulate blood flow and energy which will enhance your healing. It will also help you connect back to your body in a loving way.

Linda Cucurullo practices yoga therapy, energy healing and spiritual companionship. She in an expert in sexual abuse and recovery issues. She can be reached at 516 483 3343, www.journeyinward.com or lcucuril@optonline.net

Linda Cucurullo

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