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Articles for September 2024
   Astrological Forecast for September 2024
   by Lou Valentino
  September reminds us that life at the beach cannot be forever here in New England. Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Gemini, and Scorpio are most influenced this month. New Moon’s start new beginnings and September starts off with a new Moon in Virgo o...MORE

   The Astrology of the U.S. for 2025
   by Kushal Kumar
  (1). It is always interesting to know about the course of planetary potential for coming times. This Vedic astrology writer has been making yearly forecasts, several months before the year commences, covering some chosen countries including the Unite...MORE

   Your Horoscope for September 2024
   by Elizabeth Joyce
  Aries (3/21-4/20) Your social life continues to be highly active this month. Invite friends you haven’t seen in awhile over for a weekend visit. Workplace relationships are in focus now as well. Your team manages upcoming deadlines satisfying your t...MORE

   by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss
  Dear EarthTalk: How can we get better at predicting when and where wildfires will occur so we can adequately mitigate their impact? -- R.K., Tarrytown, NY In recent years, the wildfires incidents have intensified, driven by factors including climate ...MORE

   A New View of Detoxification
   by Dr. Karen Clickner, ND
  Why do the effects of a cleanse never last? We may feel better, especially while doing it, but then when we stop our cleanse and return to our “normal” life, our symptoms return over time. This is because we have forgotten just how toxicity accumulat...MORE

   The Worrying Future of Our Health Care, Part 1 of 3
   by Dr. Karen Clickner, ND
  I know that all of my readers and all of my patients are committed to natural medicine as a health care system for themselves. I also know that every single patient I have and have had, has an experience to share where they felt they did not receive ...MORE

   The Worrying Future of Our Health Care, Part 2 of 3
   by Dr. Karen Clickner, ND
  How can we improve the direction of our health care system? By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the system and filling in the blanks to support our own needs. The idea of “need” is a key factor of health care. Our current system is or...MORE

   The Worrying Future of Our Healthcare, Part 3 of 3
   by Dr. Karen Clickner, ND
  In my two previous articles on this topic, I’ve pointed out that automation and profit motivation in our health care system have displaced the human element, even though this is a system that is supposed to be concerned for the wellness of humans. Ho...MORE

   "A World in Chaos:" It's the Mind Vampires on the Rampage
   by Anthony Talmage
  Look around you. Everywhere seems to be in the grip of a collective madness. Currently, the international humanitarian and human rights organization, the Geneva Academy, is monitoring 110 conflicts across the globe. Yes, 110. Military experts say the...MORE

   Just For Today
   by Robert G. Waldvogel
  Good things come in small packages, according to a frequently-repeated saying. Wisdom can be considered one of those “good things.” And the small package in which it comes can be three simple words—Just for today. Time serves as a separation betwee...MORE

   For People Who Have A Health Problem
   by Marguerite dar Boggia
  DISCLAIMER: This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your licensed health care provider before making any changes to your health care regime.I would like to narrate what happened to me, an...MORE

   40th Global Celebration of the UN International Day of Peace: Sept 21st 12noon Everywhere
  3 Billion People from over 200 Countries to Participate PeaceWave launched from San Francisco in 1984 gathers more and more strength as it circumnavigates the globe for its 40th year in observance of the United Nations International Day of Peace th...MORE

Wisdom Magazine
Nancy Johansen
Light Healing
Elizabeth Joyce
Lou Valentino
Alternatives For Healing
Dancing Heart
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Sue Miller Art

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