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Knowing & Achieving Your Purpose

by Zara Angel

Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the angels, finding that something and actually doing it is important. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose. Some of what we came here to do is related to microcosmic personal karma, like learning to have patience, forgiving others, caring for your fellow being etc. Some of it is macrocosmic, such as helping the world to become a better place by teaching and guiding others, creating inspirational music and art, building organizations that clearly enhance the amelioration of the world—etc.

Yet more often that not, negative people discourage us with upsetting comments, and we experience setbacks that can cause us to become discouraged resulting in destructive self-talk like, “What was I thinking when I imagined that I was going to do something important? Who did I think I was? I should have known I would never amount to anything, or accomplish anything worthwhile”....and so on, and so on... Then, becoming more despondent as the negative self-talk takes effect, we run the risk of giving up before we even try.

When we say negative things to ourselves, we think we are being humble. Actually, negative self-talk is not humble. Instead, it’s somewhat arrogant. It presupposes that we created ourselves or that Spirit’s creation is faulty. Ironically it fails to recognize that by insulting our essence, we are insulting Spirit’s creation in each of us. More to the point is the understanding that each of us was created by Spirit, and each of us has a purpose. Finding and following that purpose is the key to being fulfilled and feeling happy.

To understand my premise, imagine an average mom telling her teenage son to clean his room. If he responds by doing the work as well as he can, the mom is pleased. If instead, he refuses on the grounds that he believes he is incapable and won’t even try, she is not pleased. In the same way, Spirit wants each of us to do our part in creating a better place on earth than it was before our arrival. By doing so, we please Spirit and we feel complete. By not doing so, we spend time and energy going in circles, feeling discouraged and getting nowhere.

The first step in finding your purpose is to practice daily morning and evening meditation.
From the teachings of my spiritual teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, I have learned that true meditation is concentration focused on Spirit. One of the best and easiest methods of meditation is going into your sacred space, sitting still, getting aware of your breathing, and following your breathing into a wonderfully peaceful state within. When you regularly do this morning and night, you receive daily guidance from Spirit. You also recharge your physical battery so that your body gets a chance to rejuvenate and re-harmonize, thus helping you in your spiritual endeavors rather than being a deterrent.

The second step is to follow the guidance you receive in meditation.
When you practice daily meditation, you simultaneously activate your intuition. As your intuition becomes heightened, you receive messages that teach you to make several subtle changes in your life, and some major changes as well. For example, the changes could involve eating habits such as avoiding junk foods and eating organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains instead. They can also involve making major shifts such as looking for a new job, and/or re-thinking your marriage and other relationships you are involved in.

The third step is
As you meditate, you will receive guidance that will open you to many ideas that are new or were previously dormant inside your mind. Writing these thoughts down and keeping them in a journal will help you remember them and at a later date, you will have what you need to consciously recognize the pattern that your new guidance is teaching you. With this knowledge, you will begin to identify the direction you are meant to proceed in, and you will begin to understand your true purpose.

The fourth step is making a plan
After your purpose makes its way to your conscious mind through the steps outlined above, you will need to make a practical plan so that you can implement your purpose. This will include a mission statement, a goal list, and a clear outline as to how to achieve each goal. When this is written out, you will understand who you are, what you are here to accomplish, and you will begin to formulate a clear idea of what it will take to succeed.

Getting into Action
Getting into action requires work, but it is fun. With your purpose clearly in mind, and the steps as to how to accomplish it clearly defined, you will feel happy, excited, purposeful and motivated. At that point you will know where you are going, and how you will get there. Your life will take on more meaning than ever before. Your optimism will grow and you will notice that minor setbacks no longer deter you. Instead, you will see them as helpful information that help you to see what to avoid, and will bring you that much closer to the answers you have been looking for. You will feel happy and energetic, and you will love it.

The most important thing you can do in your life is to find your purpose and pursue it. Life is a journey, and getting involved by accomplishing your purpose is the best way to feel happy, fulfilled, and spiritually in your center. There is so much work that needs to be done on earth to make this a better place. Finding your part and helping to solve problems and replace them with wonderful, new and creative methods of enlightenment will not only help you, it will help the world and will be pleasing to Spirit.

ZARA ANGEL channels Archangel Michael to give you Angelic Counseling and assistance in times of trouble and confusion. A popular Seattle based author, speaker, and trainer, ZARA balances her time between giving phone readings for clients and advocating for Angel Awareness. Visit her website zarasangels.com and call her at 425.741.9752

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