Articles for October 2024 |
Astrological Forecast for October 2024 by Lou Valentino
October is here already but we don’t have to think about Daylight Savings, which should be eliminated for our own mental and emotional health, till November 3rd.
I am doing this column on September 22nd but wanted to wish President Jimmy Carter a h...MORE
Fall 2024 Highlights and Psychic Horoscopes by Elissa Heyman
Beginning in early Fall 2024, Jupiter’s aspects can spur growth and make dreams come true. It could boost financial markets. Ruling expansion, Jupiter can fuel and amplify the negative. Too, escalating the destruction of war. Lots of explosions, but ...MORE
The Astrology of the U.S. for 2025 by Kushal Kumar
(1). It is always interesting to know about the course of planetary potential for coming times. This Vedic astrology writer has been making yearly forecasts, several months before the year commences, covering some chosen countries including the Unite...MORE
Your Horoscope for October by Elizabeth Joyce
Aries (3/21-4/20)
A Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs on Oct 2nd. Jupiter turns retrograde on Oct. 9th and Pluto turns direct on Oct. 11th in Capricorn. October promises to be an explosive and life-changing month. This energy highlights your personal an...MORE
EarthTalk® by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss
Dear EarthTalk: Is global warming making parts of the world uninhabitable? – L.G., via email
Global warming refers to the long-term rise in the Earth’s average temperature, due primarily to human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation...MORE
Feasting and Fasting by Dr. Karen Clickner, ND
Feasting and Fasting
We are entering the traditional season of feasting and it reminds me how much we seem to have become obsessed with food. We are a country that discards more food than any other country on earth, a whopping 60 million tons ever...MORE
Shedding Light on Spiritual Awakenings by Robert G. Waldvogel
Many who pursue paths to truth claim to have had so-called “spiritual awakenings.” While this term may sometimes be elevated to the cliché-level, shedding light on what exactly they are can facilitate achievement of them.
As a concept, a spiritual ...MORE
Getting From Here to There by Eve Wilson
We are in a worldwide period of transition. Each of us is undergoing myriad experiences of change which often leave people at a loss as to how to find their way to whatever comes next. Here are some thoughts about that journey and how to make best us...MORE
Some Thoughts on the Astral Elemental by Marguerite dar Boggia
My cousin passed away in 2018. He contacts me daily! I tell him he has to wait until his second death before he can go to heaven. He thought he was a good person and that he would go heaven upon his death. If he would have been interested in developi...MORE
The Healing Power of Prayer by Darshan Goswami
Does prayer have the power to heal? Is anyone really listening? Scientists have some surprising answers for you.
Human beings have prayed for thousands of years. Millions pray every day to a higher power some call God. People of all the major rel...MORE