Learning To Attract Joyous Co-Creators
by Esther & Jerry Hicks
The following excerpt is taken from the book The Vortex:Where the Law of
Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships, byEsther and Jerry
Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham®). It is published by HayHouse (September
2009) and available at all bookstores or online at:www.hayhouse.com.
Your Vortex, and the Law of Attraction:
Learning to Attract Joyous Co-creators
Your life is supposed to feel good to you.
Before your birth, you knew that the primary component ofyour physical experience
that would offer the greatest value for your personal andcollective expansion and joy
would be the component of the relationships that you wouldexperience with each other.
It was your plan to relish the diversity of yourrelationships and to choose from them the
details that would make up your creations—and here you are.
Before your birth, as you were making the decision to focusyourself into this Leading
Edge time-space reality, it was your powerful intention toenjoy every moment of the
process. You understood then, from your Non-Physicalperspective, that you are a
creator and that you were coming into an environment withenormous potential for joyful,
satisfying experiences in creation. You understood that youare a creator, and that the
Earth experience would be the perfect platform from whichyou would launch numerous
satisfying creations—and here you are.
Before your birth into your physical body, you knew thatonce you were here, you
would be surrounded by others and that your relationshipswith those others would be
the primary source of the contrast you would live. Youunderstood, also, that these
contrasting relationships would provide the very basis ofyour personal expansion, as
well as the very basis of your enormous contribution toEternal expansion, and you
eagerly welcomed your interaction with all of them—and hereyou are.
There was nothing in your plan about being here thatincluded struggle or hardship.
You did not believe that you were coming into physical formto right past wrongs, or to fix
a broken world, or even to evolve (in the sense that youwere currently lacking in
something). Instead, you knew this physical experience wouldbe an environment that
would provide a balance of contrast from which you wouldpersonally make increasingly
improved choices that would add to your own expansion aswell as to the collective
expansion of All-That-Is. You knew that this world ofcontrast would induce from you the
expansion that literally puts the Eternalness into Eternity;and your appreciation for the
contrasting environment on planet Earth was enormous, foryou understood that contrast
is the basis of expansion, and that the expansion would bejoyous—and here you are.
Before your birth into your physical body, you knew thevalue of variety and of
diversity, for you understood that every new preference,desire, or idea would be born
from that contrast. And you knew that this contrast not onlyprovided the literal basis for
expansion, but also the basis for your joyful experience.And, most of all, you knew that
your joyful experience would be the ultimate reason forevery part of every part of every
part of all of this Beingness. You knew that it all existsfor the joyful moments that would
constantly explode into your awareness along the way—andhere you are.
Before your birth, you understood contrast to be the varietyfrom which you would
make your choices. You knew that your surroundingenvironment would be like a dining
buffet spread out before you, from which you would choose,and that nothing about that
environment was permanent because your constant new choiceswould cause it to
continually change—and here you are.
Before your birth, you understood that all choices are madeby giving attention to
something. You knew that you were about to focus yourConsciousness into a physical
body and into a physical time-space reality; and that youwould make your selections
from the contrasting buffet of choices that would surroundyou by your attention, focus,
or thought—and here you are.
Before your birth, you understood that the Earthenvironment, like all environments—
physical and Non-Physical—is a Vibrationally basedenvironment, which is managed by
the Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself, isdrawn); and you knew that yourattention to any subject was your invitation foryour personal participation with it—and
here you are.
Before your birth, in considering your physical experienceon planet Earth, you did
not request to be born into an environment of sameness oragreement, where all of the
variety had already been considered and all of the decisionsabout how life should be
lived had been made, for you were a powerful creator who wascoming forth for the
purpose of making your own decisions and of creating yourown joyful experience. You
knew that diversity would be your best friend, and thatconformity, on every level, would
be the opposite. You literally dived in, in eagerness tofind your bearings and to then
begin to explore, from your own personal, important, andpowerful viewpoint, your
contrasting surroundings, from which you would carve outyour creations—and here you
Many people express concern and frustration—and, at times,anger and
resentment—that they did not retain conscious awareness ofthese prebirth decisions,
but we submit that you arrived in your physical body withsomething even more
important intact: you were born with a personal GuidanceSystem to help you to know—
every step (or thought) along the way—when you are divergingfrom your prebirth
understanding of life, and when you are on track.
It is our desire that you become consciously aware of yourown Guidance System so
that you can explore this new frontier of creation inalignment with the stability of your
Non-Physical knowledge.
It is our desire to help you consciously reconnect withwho-you-really-are and to help
you replace myriad false premises—which you have erroneouslypicked up along your
physical trail—with Universal, Law-based premises of life.
It is our desire to help to you solve the mystery ofseemingly impossible
relationships; to sort out the details of sharing your planetwith billions of others; to
rediscover the beauty of differences; and, most of all, toreestablish the most important
relationship of all: your relationship with the Eternal,Non-Physical Source that is really
you—and here we are.
Life Is about Our Relationships
You will never find yourself in a point in time when thesubject of relationships is not
an active part of your now experience, for everything youperceive or notice or know is
because of your relationship with something else. Without acomparative experience,
you would be unable to perceive or focus any kind ofunderstanding within yourself.
Therefore, it is accurate to say that without relationshipsyou could not exist at all.
It is our desire that an even greater awareness ofwho-you-are will awaken within
you by reading this book, as you begin to explore thevariety of relationships that you are
already living.
It is our desire that you experience an enhancedappreciation of your planet; your
body; your family; your friends; your enemies; yourgovernment; your systems; your
food; your finances; your animals; your work; your play;your purpose; your Source; your
Soul; your past, your future, and your present. . . .
It is our desire that you come to remember that every relationshipis Eternal and that
once it has been established, it is a part of yourVibrational makeup forevermore, and
that, in your powerful now—where all that you have becomeconverges with all that you
are now becoming—you hold the power to create.
Often, when you observe an unwanted or unpleasantexperience, you believe that
you are not personally a part of it, but instead a distant,dissociated, unattached
observer of it, but that is never the case. Your observationof a situation—no matter how
remote you believe yourself to be—makes you a co-creativepartner of the experience.
Over time, as you have interacted with one another, many ofyou have arrived at
collective preferences about how life should be lived; andwhile you have come nowhere
close to an agreement about what the appropriate way to liveis, still, on the myriad
subjects that you are experiencing, you continue to try toconvince others to accept the
preferences that you most prefer.
Find Alignment First and Then Take Action
In every society of the vast number of societies on yourplanet today, you have
instituted rules, requirements, taboos, laws—along with agreat variety of rewards and
punishments for conforming or not conforming—as each societyseems determined to
sort into separate piles the wanted from the unwanted. Andalthough you work very hard
at the sorting process, the piles continue to shift around;and you never come even close
to a consensus of wanted and unwanted, right and wrong, goodand bad.
It is our desire that, as a result of just reading this onebook, you will never again
require global, community, or even a partner’s agreement inorder to find your
confidence, direction, and power. We want you to rememberthat the need for
agreement from others comes from a basis of misunderstandingof the Laws of the
Universe and runs counter to who-you-really-are.
It is our desire that, by understanding your own personalGuidance System, you will
return to alignment with the power that flows to you andthrough you. For by your finding
agreement with the power that flows forth from within you,the harmony that you seek on
all other levels and all other subjects—and with allothers—will then (and only then) be
Most people would deem it unwise to load a big clumsy truck,which has a very bad
suspension system and a steering mechanism so worn-out thatit is almost impossible to
keep the truck on the road, with their most precious cargo.Or, most people would deem
it unwise to gather a load of precious glass antiques andput them in the carrying basket
of the bicycle that their five-year-old son is taking on hisfirst bicycle ride today. Or, most
people would deem it unwise to carry a sack containing theirlife’s savings and all of their
favorite jewelry and then walk out onto the iced-over lakebefore they were sure that the
ice was actually strong enough to hold their weight.
In other words, it always makes sense to first findfundamental stability before
embarking on any journey, especially those journeys thatmatter most to you. And yet,
as people interact with one another on important subjects,they commonly plunge
headlong into conversations and decisions and behaviorsbefore they have achieved
any sense of true stability, and then the return tostability is often very long in coming.
And often, once out of balance, they stumble into the nextand then the next and then
the next out-of-control experience. Through the examples inthis book, it is our desire to
help you remember the art of alignment first—then action.Alignment first—then
conversation. Alignment first—then interaction. Alignmentfirst—then anything else.
People sometimes say, "Think before you speak." Awise intention, but we would
take it further. We would suggest, "Think—and thenevaluate the value of that thought by
noticing how it feels; and do that often enough that youknow, without question, that you
are in alignment—then speak, then act, then interact."
Someone who takes the time to understand their relationshipwith Source, who
actively seeks alignment with their Broader Perspective, whodeliberately seeks and
finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is morecharismatic, more attractive, more
effective, and more powerful than a group of millions whohave not achieved that
The historical masters and healers whom you revereunderstood the value of this
personal alignment. And in this book about relationships, wesubmit to you: There is no
relationship of greater importance to achieve than therelationship between you, in your
physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/Godfrom which you have come.
If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, youwill then, and only then, have the
stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Yourrelationship with your own body;
your relationship with money; your relationship with yourparents, children,
grandchildren, the people you work with, your government,your world . . . will all fall
swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to thisfundamental, primary relationship
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