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Embrace Life Transitions

by Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed.

Most of us would just love it if the Universe spoke to us in a clear, direct manner. “Hey Lynn! I know you’re struggling with a decision in your life. Here’s the answer…” Followed, of course, with detailed instructions about what I should and shouldn’t do in order to be successful. In the bible, God spoke to Moses from a burning bush. (I don’t know about you, but if a burning bush started yelling at me I’d definitely run in the other direction!) But truthfully, don’t you long for this kind of guidance when faced with indecision?

Our modern culture fosters a great deal of impatience. People want clear answers and they want them yesterday. In other times and civilizations there was respect for the process of change and respect for a person’s difficult choices. People understood that there was a correct time for actions and decisions. If you look to nature you can easily see the rhythm of life, the ebbs and flows of the ocean, the seasons of the year when leaves die off and let go and when they’re born anew in the spring.

Go With the Flow

There is also a rhythm and flow to your life. Usually you experience an inner change or shift before the outer change begins to manifest. That is part of your inner guidance doing its work. You feel bored, restless, or anxious. Things are not working as well as they once were. These are signs from your inner guidance that you must make some new decisions and new choices in your life.

The inquietude you’re experiencing is telling you, in effect, “Your present work is done. It’s time for a change!” You can resist this impulse; you can say, “I don’t want to change right now,” or “It’s inconvenient at this time.” The feeling may temporarily recede, but that undercurrent of discontent will continue to nudge you until you take a conscious look at it and say, “Okay. Now is the time.”

Be Patient

Once you’ve recognized that you’re ready for something new, you want it to happen immediately. You want the new job, new home, or new relationship to appear overnight. Sometimes it works that way. More often than not you have a little “work” to do on the process. You have to decide what you want, believe there is guidance available to you to create it, and begin to take small steps on the path to your new dream. No doubt about it, it takes more than a little amount of courage to move in this new direction. I believe that God gives you hopes and dreams in a size too large so that you have something to grow into!

You may feel uncomfortable while going through this transition. Understand that this happens to all people when they move out of the comfort zones of the familiar and known. You know the old adage, “The devil you know is better than the one you don’t know.” That thought has kept more people stuck in a rut with their lives on hold than any other! Motivational speaker Anthony Robbins addresses this issue when he says, “Concentrate on where you want to go, not on what you fear.”

Trust Your Intuition

Your intuition is a built-in guidance system that directs you toward what makes you happy. It brings out the best in you and helps you learn what you’ve come here to master. Sometimes we get stuck in procrastination and can’t seem to budge. That’s because we first have to discover what makes us happy.

How can you trust this guidance you’re receiving? One of the primary laments I hear in my intuition classes is, “I feel like I’m making this up!” My explanation is that the voice of your inner guide or intuition comes to you in much the same way as your imagination - in thoughts, images, fleeting impressions, and the like. The solution I have to offer is to take some preliminary steps towards the answers you receive. If over a period of time your life situation improves, relationships are happier, you feel more joyful, and doors to opportunities begin to open, you’ll know you’re on the right path!

Accept the Need to Change

Change is inevitable in our lives. You can recognize that it’s time for a change and heed the call by moving gracefully into the next phase of your life. You can also dig in your heels and yell at God -- “I’m staying just where I am thank you very much!” If you have indeed outgrown a way of life or a certain pattern of belief, you can be sure your intuition will continue to give you messages that a shift is needed. There are critical times in your life when the easiest path is to understand that change is necessary. At that point you need to listen to your inner guidance in order to experience peace again.

Every major decision means you enter into a new cycle of transformation – this may require new beliefs, a different spiritual path, a new career, the beginning or ending of a relationship. It may mean letting go of familiar people and places and moving on to another stage of life.

Choose Courage

Don’t let doubt guide your life and your decisions. Accept uncertainty, anxiety, and even fear, as your companions on the path of change. You’ve made it this far in life. You’re learning new skills, relying on your inner guidance, and making decisions that allow you to choose what makes you feel alive with excitement, not deadened with fear and frustration. Shakespeare put it this way, “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” Do you want to make your dreams come true? Or your doubts? Have courage and be kind to yourself as you choose the path God is directing you to … through your intuition.

Lynn Robinson, M.Ed., is one of the nation's leading experts on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. She's a bestselling author whose books include “Divine Intuition” and “Trust Your Gut.” Her free Intuition Newsletter is available at http://www.LynnRobinson.com.

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