How Will The Eclipse Season Affect You?
by Elissa Heyman
Eclipse Season Messages for July and August 2009
July 7th kicks off the summer eclipse season with a full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn, ending with the full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius, August 5th. How will we as individuals be affected by the powerful energies of the eclipse? Here are the messages I got:
People are figuring out how to “get out there”–how to reach out and connect with the world. And they’re surprising themselves with how they do this, because it’s in new ways. In general people are using new means and straddling big gaps getting to somewhere new.
This eclipse season is a wonderful opportunity to jump high and out of the way of a lot that’s also coming tumbling down. Every spirit born now is here to try to jump like a salmon upstream. Just lighten your load and you can do it: being discriminating and focused is the secret to making this season’s fiery, combustible energy work for you.
Fire Signs: (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): You can reassemble the way in which you present yourself; the eclipse can signify a successful change of mediums if you are a creative type. You find ways to free your energy and be more creative. Like a bird with a new song, its new clarity delights you and others. Marketing improves. Success is dependent upon being clear with others and knowing what’s right for you.
Water Signs: (Cancer Scorpio Pisces): It really matters what seeds you sow at this time. Things can grow so easily now, and also can get blown up. You of all the elements have the greatest chance to have the past collapse, and to right yourself , or reassemble in a quite different and better place. Delicate balancing acts that are teetering in your life tend to collapse for the good. You deeply affect your balance by what it is that you are imagining. Take care with your imagination! Illusions are revealed now, all for the good.
Air Signs: (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): The eclipse coincides with creating more secure circumstances for yourself, and being able to put the past behind you except as fodder for creativity. Now it’s favorable to get further education, go ahead with a project, and attract helpful influences. This is not a time to dwell on what is hidden and personal, but on what you can attract and what you can implement. If your tendency is to exaggerate your difficulties and not your strengths, this will be high anxiety cycle. Stay guided by your light, airy, leader-like self!
Earth Signs: (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): At around the time of the eclipse, you stand back and examine your connections to people and things. There is an opening for you to walk through, and it is by being your creative self, and putting your energy in this direction, and letting any sort of discord find its way into place with the least amount of interaction with you. Focus on what you can make and the fact that you’d rather be creative than conflicted.
Elissa Heyman practices psychic counseling and healing with individuals and facilitates group processes in Circles. Based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, she works nationally and around the world via telephone. Trained by experts and a full-time practitioner since 1979, her professional mission is to apply her skills in the intuitive and healing arts to helping her clients. In-person or telephone sessions are available Monday-Saturday. For further information contact Elissa directly, please call 505-982-3294 or email at
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