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Peace of Mind Inside of Violent Times

by Master Chrism

We live in volatile times. All around us on this globe are severe actions of violence and death being perpetrated against every age and race of people on this planet. Even in the so called stable first world countries are there acts of brutality that can whither the courage of even the stoutest individual.

Where is the peace of mind in this situation especially with the natural enhancements of the Kundalini? It is there within reach but it may take some effort and some understandings of "why" each person is here. We are here to learn about the aspects of what it is to be a human being striving towards a development of enlightenment. All of us are here are immersed in that struggle in as many unique and different ways as there are people.

Some of us will die horrible deaths. Some of us will be the killers. Some of us hero's and some of us will drift from pole of expression to its opposite pole of expression as our individual Karma determines. We are here to gather all forms of experience not just happy happy, joy joy. Though in my opinion that is the preferable one!

Even inside of our different expressions and searches for education we have a choice to be happy or sad. We always have this choice even inside of extreme pain the option to think and feel a certain way is most powerful and profound.

There are always reasons for violence. We are violent to learn about violence. It is a literal school of many diverse experiences and understandings (lessons). It is a classroom that all of us go through as we climb our way towards the heavenly fields. And in every lifetime after we have graduated from this course we are reminded of these teachings within the current life expression by the availability of observing others go through it and inflict it upon us.

No we do not condone it or support it all of the time but we can understand it. It is in the understanding of the atrocity of violence that we are able to forgive the participants.

Just as we forgive our own children for hitting and hurting each other and educate them away from this course of activity. So can we learn to forgive others who do the same thing on a grander scale. If we do not then we are part of the environment of violence even if we are not holding the sword or gun. Some current cultures will actively support a violence based society.

It is happening even now in almost every area of this world. Even so there are far more good and non violent people on this world than there are those who worship at the altar of hurt. The vast populations by and large do not generally have the need to experience the hatred and the hurt of their violence prone brothers and sisters. They forgive and they balance and they pursue a virtuous life whether rich or poor they have already passed through the flames of violent hatred or are experiencing it without going to war.

These are the silent majorities. Those not covered by the media. From a Kundalini perspective we can see and feel to a severe degree the hurt and pain of those being afflicted by violence. It can tear at our hearts and minds to see the innocent children literally ripped apart by the violence of their elders. And we must accept this as part of the divine plan. We accept it as part of a plan that we do not agree with or understand or wish to participate in but that it is happening here and now will suggest that it is indeed part of a function of balance.

Those who tortured and hurt in one life become the victims of their current victims in another life. Nothing is missed and nothing is left out. The Karmic balance will occur. We can change the attitudes and environment that can propel a country against another country by pursuing peace not only externally but internally.

Or we can choose to emulate the violence in our own personal world and in turn suffer the fruits of those thoughts and emotions. We have this choice. We can become a harvest of love or a harvest of hate and we can feed those fruits to others. We as Kundalini awakened people have the opportunity to exert great influence on others. I choose to be a harvest of love in all of its facets and qualities of expression. In all of its strength and its firmness and resolve and compassion.

And from this choice and in my understandings of this choice my informed consent towards love will give me peace of mind amidst the most violent expressive elements of society. Even this is a certain school of experience. Kundalini changes the knee jerk reactions of what would have been the normal response to violence incurred upon us by another. We are given the knowledge of another option. We are given the opportunity to move through the fear and through the anger and into forgiveness and into love if we so choose to do so.

Without becoming a victim of continued violence! We are the walking talking holy grails. We are the teachers who teach without words. We teach through radiance. We teach through the actions and activities that are love based and from that love is a light given to our brothers and sisters on this world. An invitations to find a higher path.We teach by learning to come into balance within our own selves about being judgmental or vindictive. We teach ourselves first that we may have an authentic gift to give to others.

Yes there will be tests that will stretch the resolve and in the process strengthening that same resolve. Sometimes we fall and do not achieve and we rise up again and fall back down and rise up again and keep our balance and move forward. Kundalini is a personal inside out process that has many lessons of balance in all five bodies of expression to teach the Kundalini awakening person. So we must also reach for those lessons by striving to accomplish them no matter the level of difficulty.

When this path has been chosen we are able to experience the peace of mind and the joys of the heart even as we walk amongst our brothers and sisters inside the pain of war and weary with violence. We are able to be the light they reach for as a way towards another option of expression. Options of peace and respect and love.

This is one way of approaching peace of mind inside the violence of humanity. It's a steep path to be sure. There are many narrow paths with steep falls but it is there and we can discern it through the teachings we experience from the Kundalini. So if this path of love beckons to you let yourself become involved in active expressions of forgiveness even when it hurts your heart to do so. Take it in small amounts at first.

Forgive those in your own life who have harmed you and as you practice this it will become more and more of an expanded practice that will radiate out towards others around you. And in this way can Kundalini people and non Kundalini people change the world around them. In this way can a true and strong peace of mind and of heart become firmly rooted into the soul as it traverses the sometimes sharp precipice of the human expressive spectrum.

We are all here to learn. We are all an evolutionary wave of consciousness approaching the divine shores. We come at different times and learn at different speeds but we get there. We can and do come upon the land bearing the gifts of an earned enlightenment. – blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2009

Chrism is a native of California residing in the city of Santa Rosa. He travels the country awakening the Kundalini in groups of people safely and with continued support throughout the many years of the Kundalini awakening experience. Chrism comes from a place of disciplined love and disciplined intention within the parameters of forgiveness, spiritual balance, service to others and spiritual evolution. Kundalini as it expresses through Chrism is the teacher. For further information visit: www.KundaliniAwakeningSystems1.com

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