Ask Rochelle
Stars of Celestial Waters through Rochelle Sparrow
by Rochelle Sparrow
Dear Stars:
Hopefully you and your guides can point me in the right direction.
I met a man over the internet. I felt an instant resonance with him and over the next two months and talked almost every night on the phone for hours. We are so compatible it seems beyond belief. We met in person for three days. We are totally in love in a way I have never felt before. I have two children. My ex husband is not paying child support. Is it in everyone’s highest good for my new love to move in with me and pay rent?
Thank you so much for your help.
Dear Debby:
Thank you again for contacting me. This is what the guides state:
We state no, it is not for your highest good to have this individual rent a room at this time. We suggest you follow through with the court. The court will enforce child support is correct. We also suggest that you let the new individual in your life know that you want to continue to know him; but to have him live in the house is not possible at this time due to court proceedings. After court is completed in your favor, we suggest you consult with the lawyer about the new individual moving in and paying rent (to see how it affects child support). Then clarity will be presented for all concerned and you will feel that choice about living with your new individual is not needed from necessity but from love (higher place). That is the correct way.
Blessings, Stars
Dear Stars:
I have been searching for an answer in regards to my husband, Stan. Should I stay with him? It is not an easy relationship. Thank you, Flora
Dear Flora:
Thank you again for your connection. Let’s see how we can be of help. The guide’s state:
There is a karmic relationship between you and Stan that is now being resolved. We suggest marital counseling in strong fashion. You are at a crossroads of many insights but have difficulty in using your insights to change patterns of behavior into resolving. A therapeutic relationship between a therapist, Stan and yourself would help you travel into past relationships (of abuse) and help you understand that you cannot change Stan but change your responses towards Stan's demands that appear challenging. What is occurring is that his demands appear unreasonable and your response is to close off what he wants (his type of communication is difficult) so that you become angry. These situations need clarification with therapeutic help. You cannot heal this by yourself. That is the correct way.
Many blessings, Stars
Dear Stars:
My question concerns the value of staying a shorter or longer time overseas. I already have enough money to survive at least 2 yeas.
I'm not concerned about the risk of running out of money. My big concern is that I'll spend more time here than is necessary and delay doing what I feel I was born to do for the planet which is to write. I know that having much more money in the bank can be useful in helping me on my career path. So the opposite concern is that I will return too soon before the cupboard is as full as I'll need. If I come home too soon with too few resources, will that serve as a stumbling block to my writing
Kindest Regards, Reginald
Dear Reginald:
It is wonderful for you that you know what your purpose is. Thank you so much for connecting with me. This is what the guide’s state:
Reginald is correct to continue staying for at least one year. He will not come across financial headaches upon returning because of his very pragmatic stance he will assume regarding his living situation. In other words he is very capable of making wise living and financial choices. (getting family energy, feels like male feels like brother energy) In that he will have opportunity for business deal upon returning (getting publishing energy) and he will have an opportunity (to meet agent at some time oat writer’s meeting) the way he wants. So that his endeavors are correct for humanity as he knows and understands internally, more is to become available from Sprit because of his choices. He is clearly adept at knowing and understanding his vision and pragmatically going about the financing of his vision. So what we suggest is the optimal energy to (experience is the energy) is to know that his choice of vision is correct, viable and will occur. That is the correct way.
Blessings, Stars
Send questions to:
Rochelle Sparrow
PO Box 7573
Phoenix, AZ 85011
Rochelle Sparrow, Psychic Trance Channel, MSW, Event Speaker, Author, Media Personality, Event Speaker. To order a phone session nationally or internationally, thirty minutes $100.00, sixty minutes $200 or one email question, $20.00 contact Featured channel for Now on Phone: 602.430.6447
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