Ask Rochelle
Stars of Celestial Waters Through Rochelle Sparrow
by Rochelle Sparrow
Dear Stars:
My husband is dying from pancreatic cancer with liver metastases. He has been released from hospital after palliative surgery and is now at home with me - so terribly angry at himself, at me, at everybody and everything. He is the love of my life, and I struggle everyday to show him my love, but he rejects me and asks me to go away. Can you advise me how to make him receptive to my love.
Best regards and thank you.
Dear Lisa:
I am sorry to hear this. However, you can move through this difficult situation because of your great love. The guides suggest:
Understand that his being is expressing the (feeling of unfair) injustice of what is happening. He feels repeatedly bombarded by self accusation and critical statements against himself for what he feels is unfinished. He feels quite young and doesn’t understand as yet he will return quickly to seal completion of unfinished projects. He is quite smart. Let him know your precise spiritual beliefs. He needs to hear from you directions to move toward our side. He will also begin to make vast changes quite quickly when he arrives on our side because of his intelligence. He does not want to leave earth,;he wants to stay in three dimensional reality. However,, his being will find out easily on our side that he is free to return. Remind him of his freedom.
Blessings, Stars
Dear Stars:
Greetings. My Name is Honey. Please tell me what I am to do career wise in this lifetime which should be completely satisfying and fulfilling in terms of material and spiritual needs. I visualize myself making "it" big in a very positive and mass level but do not know still (I am 38) what is that "IT" and when is that possible? Please advise.
Best Regards
Dear Honey:
I can see that your confused. We will be happy to help you.
Your correct to think about exploration through travel. Your being needs to give yourself permission to explore your interests. Your being holds back because your feel constrained by old beliefs. We will speak briefly. Your father ‘s intelligence was vast, yet he did not focus on career choice. He settled into a position (got marketing energy) that did suit or please him. You have learned from him not to push yourself, but to remain comfortable and closeted. We suggest traveling will help you bridge the gap between what you don’t know about yourself and what you will come to know about yourself. Move forward and act, that is the correct way.
Blessings, Stars
Dear Stars:
I have suffered through a few major emotional and medical issues in the past 12 months. I have sought the help of a great counselor well-versed in emotional and spiritual matters and practices. She has helped me to work with, embrace and release the issues I am holding onto. I have also consulted a few healers to assist with the physical nervous afflictions and digestive problems that I cannot seem to resolve.
I have eliminated the stressful factors in my life (job and step-son) and feel like I am moving in the right direction, but still need assistance with my health issues. As I have always believed that health is the manifestation of inner issues, can you help me understand what it is I have not yet resolved. I am at my wits end.
Thank you,
Dear Pat:
Your correct to understand your physical issues are stemming from inside of your
Emotions. Congratulations, you now have control over your health problems because of your insights of where they manifest. The guides suggest:
Your correct to know and to understand that your being is not able to digest abuse that occurred when younger due to (feels sexual) invasions. We suggest your being think more in terms of professional counseling through Jungian analysis or our services. Your being is on correct road, however, some individuals are misguided in their healing due to not understanding the vast implications of energetic manifestation and dissipation. It is not needed to care take anyone or any situation which then leaves your energy intact and bonded to the situation as a whole. Your being has been told to forgive when forgiveness cannot be had. It is his responsibility to seek healing and grace through his own design, not your own. There in lies the issue.
Blessings, Stars
Send questions to:
Rochelle Sparrow
P.O. Box 7573
Phoenix, AZ 85014
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