Psychic Insights for Summer 2011
by Elissa Heyman
There is something about this Summer, with its many parts and moods , that does not show itself all at once.
If you’re trying to get yourself from one place to another and make a profound shift in some way, this is the summer it can happen.
“The next place” to get to for many is one with creative connection What are the connections that come from inner desires and true interests? Let that guide you to a place.
People can get clear about themselves on a much deeper level. We see the truth of our personal relationships like never before. We can see the why of everything.
Foundations are vulnerable and can shift, even if something has always been there. We can see why something hasn't worked if it finally breaks down. At the end of August with the full moon in Virgo, everything is finding its new place.
Summer really means it, in that if you're not careful, you can end up painfully aware of ending up in the wrong place, or having done something you must pay for. One must try especially hard to get it right the first time. Summer requires vigilance: careful planning and focusing on details. Even so, false starts in projects and directions are likely.
Events in Summer can show people how they're not prepared for life. They see what they must do or know to get a different result.
Elissa Heyman, Psychic Counseling and Spiritual Healing, in person/by phone, Santa Fe, NM 87501, 505-982-3294. New website!
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