Astrological Forecast for November 2011
by Lou Valentino
It was in the summer of 2009 that I predicted November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) would be the start of revealing the mysteries of faith. As a volunteer of the intergalactic confederation I have waited for most of my life for this time.
The time frame for making a quantum leap in the awareness of humanity is from 11/11/11 to 12/12/12 to 13/13/13. Each time frame will have its own adjustment feelings.
Why? Because the law of grace will be activated and other intergalactic cultures are given permission to show themselves and start to reconnect with earthlings to form a new alliance for planet earth that will bring “Heaven on Earth”. I will post much information up around November 10th with predictions for both 2012 and 2013.
November starts off on “All Saints Day”. A special day for prayer’s for our family and the family of humanity.
Venus and Mercury move into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius on November 2nd. For those who are born under this fire sign long distance travel may be a part of your plans this month along with love and romance. Money is also more easily manifested for the sign of Sagittarius till middle of December.
Daylight savings starts at 2:00AM on Sunday the 6th. So set your clocks back when you go to bed on November 5th and enjoy and extra hour of sleep. Yessssssssssss. I’m Pisces so I could use that extra hour. Not looking forward however to more darkness by 5:00PM.
The full Moon is on November 10th in Taurus at 18 degrees. It reaches it fullest point at 03:16PM. Mars enters Virgo on this same day at 11:15PM. Both signs are earth but the signature of this full Moon is in the sign of Leo because we have 4 planets in fire and 5 are fixed. The fire sign that’s fixed is Leo
What does all of this mean? Taurus is rethinking their financial situation. Jupiter is retrograde still in the sign of Taurus so I would suggest that those born under the sign of Taurus take the conservative route to investments till Jupiter turns direct at the end of December. The second week of Jan 2012 onward is the best time to make final choices regarding finances for the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Leo.
Mars in Virgo gives extra physical energy to those born under the sign of Virgo over the next couple of months.
Those born under the sign of Leo are feeling more connected to their soul’s purpose as the full Moon mirrors a more feminine side of the Lion. The Sun and Moon are at odds with each other (opposing) but those born under the sign of Leo may find a certain stability or contentment within themselves over the next two weeks that allows them to relax within their creative powers and not have to feel so pushy about getting things done. The male and female polarities come together.
Dreams can come true on this full Moon from the 10th till the 25th as Saturn trines Neptune. Saturn can create discipline needed to manifest the dreams of Neptune. And with Chiron still close to Neptune the ability to face addictive issues and heal them is within reach for the signs of Pisces, Aquarius and Libra.
Relationships issues can be healed during this time period by staying in them or allowing them to end with thankfulness for the lessons learned.
A grand trine between Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Leo. And easy flow of transformation (Pluto) in the investments (Taurus) of the performing arts (Leo). For those born under the signs of Capricorn, Taurus or Leo look for artistic endeavors to grow and prosper till the middle of Jan 2012.
Unexpected events such as earthquakes and attacks on American soldiers may increase as Uranus squares Pluto causing physical accidents. Pray for the world.
Also unexpected UFO sightings around the world from November 10th till the 26th. I am getting visions of the statue of Liberty. Could we see UFO activity in the New York City area? Maybe so…….
The Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius on November 22nd. We now have three planets in Sagittarius till the 26th.
Mercury turns retrograde on November 24th just before Thanksgiving Day. God knows I would not encourage any traveling at this time. Wait until December 20th and traveling will be safer. And as far as getting along with family members…….. Keep it simple and on the quiet side of conversation.
The new Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius on November 26th at 1:10AM. This is a new Moon lunar eclipse. Eclipses are more intense as the alignment between the Moon, Sun and Earth are more closely aligned. Eclipses can have a six month energy effect.
This eclipse affects those born under the sign of Sagittarius as the Sun, Moon, Mercury Retrograde, North Node and Venus form a family reunion. Sagittarius is thinking deeply about issues surrounding long distance travel, romance, and new investments for 2012 and reaching a higher vision of spiritual and religious beliefs.
Those born under the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aries may find someone close to them revealing a serious health issue such as cancer or a life threatening health issue. Feel free to refer them to my website for information regarding cancer and other health issues like heart problems and other health concerns.
Something big is cooking in the skies as I look at this new Moon lunar eclipse chart. This clearly shows UFO activity that will affect many people including the leaders of the free world.
This combination of planets also brings about earthquakes, volcano eruptions, snow storms, health problems in certain countries. But, something big is about to break in the area of supernormal perceptions or mysterious objects flying in the air and hovering there for awhile. This energy runs for six months or till May of 2012.
These events will bring the international communities closer together with many questions for political as well as spiritual and scientific leaders. Quantum physics becomes a major topic to explain what could be going on in the skies as people from all over the world start to ask more questions about what is beyond our present belief systems.
These unexpected events will have a great effect on the financial markets and entrepreneurship will begin to take on a new meaning over the next six months. After all, can money buy what is flying around in the skies? Who is paying for the light shows? Maybe men and women will start to realize that there are miracles happening that money cannot buy and this is when the shift in the collective consciousness changes from physical security to believing in miracles.
I WILL NOT POST A DECEMBER COLUMN. But, I will comment on December in my prediction forecast for 2012 to 2013.
The affirmation for the second half of November is: LOOK: THERE ARE LIGHTS IN THE SKY. THE MIRACLES OF LIFE ARE MANIFESTING AROUND ME.
May the grace of God’s angels be with you during this month. Keep all of you safe and create the joy of thanksgiving to the great I AM presence and all personified manifestations you admire.
May Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years bring food to every starving mouth, cloths to those who need protection and a place to live for those who need a home. Perfect health to anyone who is suffering from any health issues.
Love and Light, Lou Valentino
Lou Valentino has been doing professional astrology readings and predictive work of the future since 1995. To receive an astrological/intuitive reading call 860-574-9467.
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