Messages from your Ancestors for November 2011
by Elisaa Heyman
The messages for November 2011 answer the question, “Where is the power in your life to move forward?" They are also messages from your ancestors and what is healing for you to know; and creates a lighter being.
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Healing messages from your ancestors: You're expected now to forge a path based on what you know to be true, and what you can commit to for a long time. In a way it will feel like the path has chosen you. "Your fate awaits." And a lot of truth is seen about your life and self around the third week of the month.
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Your message has to do with a very big change that your creative self has caused to come about, yet there can be a sense of delayed gratification when it comes to both love and creativity, as if something takes quite awhile to manifest. Also, something far in the future can be secured now, even if it's not happening--this can be good. Mainly, it's time to dream big, and be expecting delays.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Message from your ancestors: It says, "Go!!...that things you like to do the most, visualized the biggest you like to do them, is the most successful. So plunge right in to trying to make the most and the biggest production; this is what you instinctively know is successful. The last week of November will be like going into another world...this might just be the contrast between the holidays and the first few weeks.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Message from your ancestors: Don't worry, all will be revealed. There are fateful actions in the works, and understandings are sure to come, and you can see what is right for you and what is your path. You simply must be patient. You are being carried in safe directions by what is understood by you at this time.
Elissa Heyman, Psychic Counseling and Spiritual Healing, in person/by phone, Santa Fe, NM 87501, 505-982-3294. New website!
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