Psychic Insights for February 2012
by Elisaa Heyman
Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.
There is an eruptive action at work in February, at least in people, and so people who are making change in their lives will have bouts of expelling and releasing emotion, for instance. Alot of healing goes on in February. However, it is not a time of weak vulnerability even if it feels like that temporarily. It’s a time of moving forward, when taking bold action and being strong is mightily rewarded.
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Keep on going: you see a bright light ahead, coming from the future success of new ideas. Have faith and confidence, and work towards that sunny outcome. Ignore short-term moods and results. Babies are born in fits and starts. How to make things happen better: don't talk about them very much, and realize you have really a lot of work ahead of you, there's no way around it. Stay committed to your inner plans.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): You're changing alot, letting go of alot...go with different ideas and different directions; this can work out very well. Alot of innovation gets integrated into what you're doing now. "What about the money?" you may's better if you can hold off from passing judgment on your money-making abilities (or when you're going to be getting money for something) until mid-year, when conditions change. Meanwhile, life's a work in progress and there are groovy new friends to make!
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): You can go through uncomfortable eruptions within yourself that don't fit the pattern of "getting things done" patient with yourself, they have to do with getting ready for a different future, and you experience in that process, unsettling feelings that are easy to mis-judge and mis-label. Ignore not only all the little bumps in your road, but other peoples' problems, too. Don't stick around problem-oriented people or environments. You will be given opportunity this month. You're grateful for it, and it's galvanizing.
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Reaching out to new environments and experiencing the unfamiliar adds a spot of brilliance to this month...get away if you can. It could even be by hibernating a little or "not doing". In general, you set up plans for the future, making concrete moves to do business or benefit yourself in some way off in the distance.
Elissa Heyman, Psychic Counseling and Spiritual Healing, in person/by phone, Santa Fe, NM 87501, 505-982-3294 or . New website!
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