Love and Fear
by Yolanda Sing
When I went away to train for my job, I had unfinished projects back at home. I
couldn’t sleep the first night I was there. I started to feel short of breath. I didn’t know
what was happening to me. I was afraid. At 2:00 in the morning, I called my friend Nate.
Fortunately he was awake and talked to me. He told me I was having a panic attack due
to stress. Nate said he went through it before. He said it will last for a minute
or two and not to worry. I eventually went to sleep but it was time to get up an hour later.
The next day I went to the Doctor’s office. My blood pressure and my vitals were
good. That night when I went to bed, I started to feel a little anxious again. While I lay
there in bed thinking and taking slow breaths, a thought came to my mind. I remembered
a workshop that I had taken a year before. My friend Liz gave a workshop where she
channeled an American Indian energy. She said “There are two things in this world,
Love and Fear”. These words came to me at this moment. I started repeating “I choose
Love”. I realized it was just fear that I was feeling. There was nothing to be afraid of. I
started repeating the statement, “I choose love. I choose love”. I slept well that night and
for the rest of my stay.
Sometimes, we forget that there is love in everyone and everything. There is a
universal energy that flows through every situation and problem that exist. This energy is
love. The only thing real and eternal in our relationship with ourselves and others is love.
Let go of your worries and the past. Don’t be afraid of the future. Be in the moment.
Relax. Choose love.
Yolanda Sing
Licensed Metaphysician and Healer
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