Heart Centering Meditation: Moving from the Head to the Heart
by Eliza Mada Dalian
Our mind is a gift from the Universe. It sets us apart from animals, trees, and flowers. Though a blessing to the human race, the mind is also our greatest challenge. Having focused on it for centuries, it has gradually taken control of our lives and has taken us away from the truth of our inner being and the joy of being in our hearts. We have become a love-starved species instead of love-abundant species. We have gone astray from our integrity and grace, and have lost our connection to the divine Truth.
To revive our innate ability of kindness and live in balance and peace we need to move our focus from the head to the heart. This meditation will help to bring back your focus from the head and center it in your heart. You can do this at any time and as often as you can throughout your day.
Bring your awareness to your breath. Imagine that you don't have a head. Focus on your heart. Feel what your heart wants to do instead of what your head is telling you to do. Breathe into your belly then exhale through your heart. Feel that whatever you are doing is spontaneously happening through your heart and arms. Remember to breath in and out through your heart throughout the day. Practice this meditation while doing whatever you are doing during the day. Do this meditation for at least one month. If you enjoy it, practice it for three months for greater results. This meditation will help to anchor your awareness in your heart, and will help you live more joyfully!
Eliza Mada Dalian is a modern day mystic, internationally acclaimed master healer, and best-selling author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness. She is also founder of the light-speed Dalian Methodâ„¢: a revolutionary healing system that quickly identifies and erases self-sabotaging imprints from the body's cellular memory, permanently eradicates the causes of pain and ailments, and awakens one's innate intelligence, intuition, inner strength, and consciousness. The self-healing DM has the potential to easily transform millions of people into health and awakened consciousness! For more information visit www.madadalian.com.
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