Have you ever wished you had all the knowledge and wisdom to not only fully access at any moment precisely what’s occurring within your entire system (on all levels), and also know why and exactly what to do without asking? And to know intricate details of what your entire being needs, and/or needs not, to attain optimum health? And to fully comprehend any alert that you receive symptomatically and/or otherwise, and know what it is telling you with complete clarity and focus? What would your life be like if you could access your own template-free information and data that flows through all the cells you’re composed of that supersede any physical specialist, test or assessment? And to become one with your infinite purpose and in your perfect state of enlightenment that comes from an intelligence that surpasses all physical boundaries, limits, times and all intellects?
Well, all of this is available to you right now through an infinite experience and encounter with your Self(s)* through what SHE (the Self(s) Healing Experience and Rhonda Lenair as one) offers. Since 1987, Rhonda Lenair, prophet, luminary, renowned healer and medical intuitive, has been providing this voluminously detailed information to her clients near and afar through what SHE offers in-person and via the phone.
Rhonda has the unique ability to perfectly reflect and voice your truth on and through multiple levels of consciousness, in essence by ‘becoming’ and unmuting your inner voice, while reiterating all that’s happening, has happened and potentially could occur concurrently within your system and beyond – and sometimes prior to birth and after demise through prophecy. Through this limitless experience, there are only possibilities and miracles waiting to occur.
Edgar Cayce, the great mystic known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet’, had these abilities to some degree, although unlike Rhonda Lenair, he was not known for addictions and many other problems effortlessly disappearing in his presence. Rhonda is known as the ‘healer of addictions’ by the tens of thousands of clients that have effortlessly outgrown all cravings, needs and desires to engage in out-of-control behaviors by being in her presence and no longer suffer. People have traveled worldwide for decades for this phenomenon – a ‘predictable miracle’ - that SHE produces.
Whether in-person or via phone, as soon as a connection is made Rhonda ‘reflects’ your truth. In this miraculous encounter, you become your own target-specific, non-physical specialist, internist, surgeon, nutritionist, therapist, lab, scanner, x-ray and more. Toxicities, deficiencies, sensitivities, allergens, and other stressors and exposures can be, but are not limited to, part of this miraculous experience. Your system produces a Self(s) prescribed protocol (documented in-person) for you to follow that includes all your system conceives, and receives, you’re ripe to achieve, to be well and comprehend, and/or transcend all life’s ills.
According to Hyla Cass, M.D. psychiatrist, best-selling author and expert in Integrative Medicine, " ... Rhonda’s hands-on healing work is remarkable in its ability to eliminate alcoholism. Rhonda is a ‘doctor of energy medicine’, encompassing all areas/branches of medicine. Energetically able to detect problems on all levels, she acts as the human equivalent of an MRI, CAT scan or diagnostic lab. Moreover, she becomes the client’s voice, beyond the usual constrictions of time and space. She knows deeply and expresses accurately what has happened, is happening, and what is pending within a person systemically and beyond physical boundaries."
Different from meeting an enlightened one, you meet your ‘own state’ of enlightenment, purity, and clarity that you’re purified in during this sacred encounter.
*Self(s): one infinite, eternal macrocosm of intelligence and light energy that is constantly subdividing into finite microcosms of condensed physical matter that represent and become one physical unit of one non-physical whole infrastructure of inter-communicatory intelligence.
To schedule or for more information, contact Barry 1.888.412.8392 or barry@lenair.com or visit www.lenair.com/welcome .We invite you to join us for a tour of The Sanctuary in Newbury, MA and meet Rhonda Lenair. Sept. 23