Write the Books of Your Successes
by Cassendre Xavier
Are you interested in learning new skills and methods to improve your life? Have you considered writing on a more advanced, yet easy-to-do level?
You can write books about, and to gain, more success in your life.
This means three things:
1) You can write a journal of the things you have accomplished – things that you are proud of, and that took some effort or effortless manifesting.
2) You can write a novel, and place yourself as its prime s/hero. Write what you would like to be, to experience, to witness, to become. Make it as adventurous, and/or as realistic as you wish.
3) You can write a self-help or personal growth/self-actualization book about the issues you struggle with, and the issues you have mastered. Write for yourself as the reader, who will most benefit.
None of these need be fancy. Your journal does not have to be written as though you are a Harvard-educated writer. Your novel does not need to bear an MFA stamp nor have all the signs of having been written by a recent fellow of the latest, most exclusive writers’ program. And your personal growth book does not have to rival that of a Wayne Dyer, SARK, or Marianne Williamson.
Your books do not even have to be well-written! None of these have to be published in the outer world. Much like writing affirmations, goals, and treasure-mapping or dream/vision boards, it will be powerful enough to have this done in your inner world. These are for you. If you want to have them written with more technical skill, that is up to you, but it is not necessary for the purposes of writing as creative visualization.
Many people who have written their goals and dreams have found them to come true. Writing is powerful medicine.
Many self-help book authors write their books largely for themselves. For the healing artist, our work is our medicine. If you are a healing artist, you know how important it is for you to create your work, how therapeutic it is to have your dreams spoken so that they can truly begin to manifest. To talk your intended, envisioned walk.
My favorite method is writing personal growth.
Here is my formula for my on-going success:
a) Observe a problem.
b) Write the problem.
c) Write the solution.
d) Write steps to the solution.
e) Put it out in the world to help others, and to help me stay accountable to taking regular and repeated action to manage the problem, and to achieve success.
May you find the help that journal, novel, and self-help writing offers!
(See also Cassendre’s Wisdom Magazine article “Start Where You Are: A Call to Healing Artists”
Cassendre Xavier is an award-winning multi-media healing artist and community organizer. A first generation American born citizen of Haitian and Chinese heritage, she coined the term "renaissance negresse" in 2002 to describe her work as a musician, author, visual artist, and actress. Cassendre sometimes works under the names Amethyste Rah and Amrita Waterfalls, also identifies as a lightworker-in-training, and has been involved as a producer of books, audio and video recordings, as well as a peer support group facilitator in the personal growth, spirituality, and recovery movements since 1991. She is the founder and executive director of Philadelphia's 8th Annual Black Women's Arts Festival as well as the Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series. For more information, please visit http://cassendrexavier.com.
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“Write the Books of Your Successes” (c) Copyright 2012 by Cassendre Xavier. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit http://cassendrexavier.com.”
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