Jane is a confident and successful chiropractor and energy prac-titioner. Through her work she helps lots of people, yet her personal life is in shambles. A long standing feud with her mother has caused much heartache and stress. Finally after years of dealing with this pain, she came to my program. She discovered the cause of her unhappiness was her negative core beliefs of being unloved, alone and unwanted. The situations in her life were simply the triggers not the cause of her unhappiness. These negative core beliefs were the cause and had kept her emotionally hostage for nearly 50 years. As Jane healed her negative core beliefs, the issues with her mother were resolved. Today she has much happier relationships with all her loved ones, friends and co-workers. Jane is no longer a victim of circumstances, she is empowered and in control of her reactions and her life. Her life now unfolds with ease and grace.
We have all heard the phrase: "you cannot change anyone else, you can only change yourself". The power is in finding those elusive key components within us that cry out for healing.
Those who come to my program are unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. They want abundance, prosperity, improved health, and better relationships. They just do not know how to get it. I teach them how to go from feeling like a victim, to feeling empowered and loving.
They learn how to step off the triangle of disempowerment in which they have played the roles of victim, bully/perpetrator or rescuer and onto the triangle of love where they become a nurturing mentor, unconditional lover and agape giver. Students and clients discover the true causes of their unhappiness and proceed to eliminate those root causes once and for all.
We all live in a story. In our story we believe our subconscious negative core beliefs; what we do not know, we do not know. These beliefs keep us stuck in deep painful feelings such as powerlessness, feeling unlovable, loneliness and hope-lessness to name a few. In my program, students not only discover their subconscious negative core beliefs, they learn techniques to remove these imprints from their luminous energy field and magically heal their lives.
Applying love, compassion and forgiveness to all situations in our lives is the key. However, we must first discover our key triggers so they can be healed. Then we can experience a life of love and freedom of which we have only dreamed possible.
In this year-long program students journey around the Inca Medicine Wheel healing on many levels, including ancestral issues, patterns of illness, as well as unwanted habits. They learn how to create easily and effortlessly the lives they really want to live.
I invite you to call me or visit my website for more information about this transformational program. http://take backyourpowernow.com/events/inca-energy-medicine/
©2013 Victorea Luminary
Victorea Luminary (f/k/a Andrea Mincsak Bordelon) is a Shamanic Practitioner/Teacher of the Inca Tradition. You may contact her by phone at 800-319-2587, email: Victorea@TakeBackYourPowerNow.com