Dear God – What can I do to make this world a better place?
by Alicja
First, one must reach a place of Being. Being in the moment of pure NOW. Glances backward and worry of the future keeps us grounded in one place and block manifestation that come from love.
Many of you wish and desire to move forward, to make a difference, to change the world. We say to you, first become the difference and see the world around you changing in its daily ever present movement. There is no greater joy than the moment one realizes how truly fantastic life could really be. Ask yourself a question – are you ready to be that which brought you to this planet for your reincarnation of Being? Are you ready to be One with All That Is?
Well, just the simple fact that you have traveled on your life’s journey and are now here – asking to be all that you were always meant to be, that alone, the willingness to open your heart to love, to reconnect with your Being is my dearest friend, enough. Ask and it is given. It is that simple. Yet, so many of you are still so afraid to ask, believing that you are not worthy of the love that has created the very world you live in and the very breath of your life. Start today with the belief that you, as well as any other have the full birthright to be here, to ask, to receive and to gain all of the wealth, health, joy and fullness of Being. Breathe in love, breathe out fear. Do it. Do not be afraid. Let go of fear and its power and control over you. You may call it ego, procrastination, laziness and many other uncomfortable names. We call it FEAR – because your very Being is disconnected from your Very Source. When the empty space was created- your ego - your fear entered and has been the primary resident. Letting go of fear is easy. All We ask is that you have faith “that All is Well” – indeed all is well, believe it, live it, breathe it in every situation and every fear based action, believe All is Well and all shall be.
You are loved, protected, taken care of, now you just have to allow it. You are like an infant screaming and flailing your arms and legs, knowing that there is something you are needing and wanting, yet in your infancy state you cannot quite define what it is; yet you trust your caregiver to bring you food, to keep you warm and dry and fed. Return to your infant self with the One of All Creation and trust and believe that all you need on this journey is and always will be given to you. It is the Creator’s wish to bring only goodness into your life.
Imagine how different your life on this planet would be if every infant was cared for as your Creator had intended. That infant would then go forward and create the same loving atmosphere of Being and so on and so on. It is time. Your world must recognize the need for this change of the mental pattern. Fear must be replaced by love or all is lost, all is hopeless and from this place of fear – love seems very far away indeed.
There is great love here for you always. We bid you well. We send Our love and Our support into your daily life. Your dreams are already in existence. Reach for them through your focus, intention, wellbeing and well wishing to all. There is enough for all of you. Do not fear lack – it only brings more of what you fear. Realize your dreams by daily meditation upon such dreams, by cleansing your Being with thoughts of only joy and love and hope and most of all indescribable faith in your ability to make your dreams come true. You can do it!
Alicja Bialasiewicz and TWB
Alicja has been an intuitive channel her whole life and works very closely with the Ascended Masters. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner and has also studied Native American Shamanism. In addition to her business Inner Light Healing, Alicja is a nurse in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; a frequent guest on “Light Line” radio show and is currently writing a book.
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