Excerpt from "Shiva Speaks"
Rashmi's Conclusion
by Rashmi Khilnani
I don’t know about you, but as far as I am concerned, Babaji is truly awesome and while entertaining and completely adorable, let us not forget that he is not ultimately separate from us but the deepest part of our own inner Divine Mother/Father nature.
If we pray with true sincerity and as much love as we can feel authentically in any given moment to the Divine Mother/Father energies of the universe, the Source will always hear our call and respond.
A beautiful fox just appeared in the garden, and though we had to shoo it away in order not to disturb the cats, it was a fabulous reminder from Babaji that the celestial energy of Source can come to us in so many beautiful, wonderful, and oftentimes mysterious ways. If just a few of us truly imbibe and become a part of the light which we already are but have forgotten, Babaji says these few can spread the fire of his light and love everywhere.
This and other sacred books contain the living light energy of the ascended Ones. When these vibrations touch our lives, we move from being the caterpillar to becoming the interdimensional butterfly. I surrender my heart; I surrender my energy of love, pure
intention, and forgiveness of self and others on the path at the Lotus Feet of my beloved Sadguru within—Maha Avatar Haidakhan Babaji.
Now I will go into meditation and journey to the special cave that Babaji has made for me high up in the Himalayan Mountains to be with him and bask in his sacred fire and be with my baby tiger cub Shakti (another wonderful present from Babaji). As we sit peacefully together in this celestial abode, the sound of OM will permeate through the ethers, and all will be at peace and at one and will cherish being present on earth here now. This is heaven on earth for me.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om
Rashmi Khilnani was born in Chandigarh, India and spent the first six years of her life in Cairo, Egypt. She went on to study and teach with world-renowned avatars, gurus and teachers and became a specialist in energy medicine. She is on the forefront in bringing the ancient Mystery School teachings of Egypt, India, Tibet and China, as well as the teachings of the Essenes, into current time and making these wisdoms simple and accessible to people at all levels of soul journeying. Rashmi teaches and practices several healing modalities and has taught Reiki Masters, doctors, scientists and others from many walks of life the secrets of the Mystery School teachings. She is a global metaphysical teacher, urban shaman, international lecturer, artist, seminar leader and TV personality. Rashmi is the host of 2013 and Beyond with Jeremy McDonald heard monthly on Blogtalkradio.com. Rashmi is the executive producer and one of the speakers in a new documentary film, IGod, which will feature spiritual authors, heads of various religious denominations and people at all levels of soul journeying. IGod is being produced by Robert Friedman and Neale Donald Walsh, and directed by Jonathan Friedman.You can visit her website for more information at www.rashmikhilnani.com
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