We have plateaued in this period of profound human evolution. Light-Workers, Star-Seed, Way-Showers and Seekers are being called on to prepare for the next step on their paths towards Self-Realization, and recon-nection with Source Energy, on their return to Full Consciousness.
Before the beginning of this year we were not ready to take this brave new step forward. The next wave of Cosmic energies was not yet available to us.
Many are aware of the gradual increase in Higher Dimensional Light Frequencies reaching the planet surface.
Others may simply view it as a rise in chaos and confusion, because as the Light intensifies, malevolent forces step up and darker energies increase in a battle that seemingly continues to wage.
The Pleiadians and others of the Spiritual Hierarchy inform us that the war has been won! That Light forces have been successful and negative energies are rolling in their death throws, only the sound of defeat reverberates like echoes.
The shift will occur, whether in a slow, gentle, progressive and creative way through the ingenuity of mankind with its newfound awareness and increased consciousness - or, radically with a series of cataclysmic, Earth changing events, which will pull the planet through the void into the Fifth Dimension.
To ensure that the timeline of probability we chose is the gentler of the two, it is important now that Light-Workers, Way-Showers and Star-Seed, stand fully in their power as ‘Sentinels of Light’.
Archangel Michael describes these ‘Sentinels of Light’, as the ‘Advanced Guard’ that will become anchors for these new transformative energies to the planetary grid.
There are many beautiful souls engaged in the process of raising vibrational frequency in their biological vehicles, but the Pleiadians say; it is not possible to sustain them and Shift into higher dimensions without being reconnected to the Universal Matrix.
This nexus requires intervention by Spirit, if we are to become the ‘ Negative Ionic Generators’ required to draw down Higher Dimensional Radio Frequencies from the Cosmos and send them down to the Earth grid in preparation for the next phase. For this purpose, we have been given Marconic Reconnection – The Human Upgrade.
We begin with a three-part system that was communicated to us directly by Celestial and Galactic Guides.
The Integrated Chakra Unification begins a purification process which is a very individual and personal experience according to the amount of Karmic Debris that is still caught in the 7 Chakra System. Memories, experiences, pain and fear that have been accrued in this lifetime as well as previous lifetimes, will be released from the body.
This one act alone liberates the Being from the limitations of the Third Dimension; it frees the Being from his or her karmic creations in the profoundest clearing of fear and darkness from the mental and emotional bodies.
Carrying out this sequence right at the beginning of the Marconic Reconnection can be likened to opening a series of canal, lock gates; it allows for greater quotients of Higher Dimensional Light Encoded Frequencies to flood the Fifth Dim-ensional body’s Axiatonal template.