Have you ever noticed how when you are with certain people you simply feel at peace? I recently welcomed new grand children, and just holding them moved me into bliss.
Have you also noticed how you could be in the presence of someone and things immediately felt off? They didn’t even need to speak, you just sensed it.
We are bombarded with energies from each other and our environment. Sadly, we are trained to disregard intuitive experiences: If we can’t see or measure something, it doesn’t exist. However, energy exists whether we are aware of it or not. Each one of us has immense power to enhance or disturb the energy around us - raising or lowering it.
Once I became aware of this, I was determined to learn how to shift my energy. I knew what I should be, but there were times when I would blow up and react with impatience. I would judge, criticize and push if someone was in my way. Then I would complain about them to anyone who would listen. I thought I knew better, and my prayers went something like, "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace - in an advisory capacity."
Eventually, I had to face myself, and I knew there had to be another way. Then, I met a living saint and practical mystic, Sai Maa. Through Maa’s grace and knowledge, I came to understand that I could know the truth of who I am - and others too.
I learned there are only two energies - fear and love. Fear contracts and love expands. We are a mixture of both. Our human pattern is to focus on what’s wrong, as if focusing on it will keep us safe; or as if complaining and gossiping will keep us connected.
I decided to take responsibility for the energy I was putting out on this planet. To stop lying and judging others and myself, because lying and judging come from a place of fear and lower our frequency. I learned to see others and myself with more compassion, knowing that we all have strengths and weaknesses.
I learned how to meditate. Meditation and prayer raise our frequency because when we are quiet, we realize that we are more than a body struggling through life, we are a soul in a body having a human experience.
Sai Maa will be in Albany to offer Darshan, a wonderful opportunity to be with a living master whose presence will lift and open our souls, awakening the divinity within us. Darshan is more than just a blessing - it is being seen fully, raising us to states of peace and joy. From this experience, we begin to remember who we really are and the power we have to be a light in any situation we enter. Anytime, anywhere. What a blessing.
Mary Sise, LCSW, DCEP, is a social worker with a private practice in Latham, NY. She also serves as Director for Sai Maa’s Transformational Healers Program. Visit www.MarySise.com