Spiritual healing, offered by one highly skilled and experienced intuitive can bring wholeness at levels that change a person’s life for the better in every way.
If your challenge is physical, spiritual healing will address the root cause, bringing health and help you find the gift innate within the experience. If it is emotional, mental, social, financial or spiritual a truly gifted healer can resolve it like pulling a weed out of the garden; not only eliminating the leaf and flower, but getting what is hidden below the ground so that it never grows back. Then body and soul are able to grow healthy and strong.
Eve Wilson, Certified Healer Practitioner has been increasing her natural intuitive healing gifts in partnership with Archangels, Ascended Masters, Divine Beings and Spiritual Surgeons for nearly 30 years. On her website you will see an abundance of testimonials from people who have benefited by her services. Eve can treat most things, but she specializes in treating things which are hard to diagnose or treat medically. Her work is more impactful than many allopathic and alternative healing modalities; requiring fewer treatments and giving greater benefit.
Eve’s healing treatments are comprehensive, affecting every aspect of a person’s life. People feel better in ways they are hoping for, and more confident and whole in many surprising ways as well.
Relationship healing is another of her specialties; whether couples, families or business colleagues. Eve helps people understand the relationship dynamics and release issues and blocks to good relationships; she heals old hurts and empowers them to respond in new ways. It is not necessary for all parties to participate in the healing. Where necessary she can provide protection against negativity and set healthy boundaries within difficult relationships.
Healings for buildings or property can release negative energies that were left by prior residents or get built up over time and living. Homes and businesses can become peaceful environments that support those who spend time there.
Children are wonderful clients, open and ready to heal things while young, so they don’t carry them into adulthood where challenges become bigger and more painful with time.
Pets are the easiest clients of all, most of them open and willing to be healed.
Support is available for hospital visits or travel, family gatherings, events, organizations or new ventures.
Eve Wilson works telepathically, connecting a soul’s Higher Self to God to direct the healing; and grounding unconditional love into the dark places where people have been wounded to restore health and wholeness, joy and strength. Healings are available by phone or Skype or simply by telepathy. Distant healing is as effective as in person, because the healing flows direct from God and the Higher Self.
Find out more about Healing Treatments with Eve at www.spiritualhealers.com; watch the introductory video, explore class options and sign up for The Weekly Word for Healing and Ascension while you are there. Call 734-780-7635 or email evew@spiritualhealers.com to schedule an appointment!