Ask Your Pet
by Jennifer Dickman
Dear Jennifer,
I have an elderly cat named Seer who recently started making pained noises when she's in the litter box. Is she in pain when she urinates? Is there some other issue? Does she just not like her litter?
Dear Christina,
Whenever I encounter an issue like this I always recommend taking the animal to the vet immediately. As with anyone in any profession, I can always make a mistake. I would never want an animal to suffer because of this, or fail to receive veterinary care because their person chose to do a session with me instead of taking them to the vet. So, if you haven't already done so, my first recommendation is to take Seer to the vet immediately.
Additionally, as I'm not a vet I can't make medical diagnoses and don't give medical advice. What I can do is relay to you the impressions I receive from your animal, which can help both you and your veterinarian figure out what's going on and give you some guidance in how to proceed. Sometimes vets are stumped, and then I'm able to come in and offer helpful information from the animal, as well as referrals for other practitioners, flowers essences, etc., as needed. I always hope that my clients understand that my work is a great adjunct to veterinary care, but in no way a substitute.
With all that being said, what Seer is telling me is that this is a two-fold problem. First, I do pick up a sensation of painful urination with her, and this is the larger part of the problem. But, Seer is also saying that her hips have been hurting her when she climbs into the litter box. I've heard this several times from older cats. You may want to ask your vet about addressing possible soreness in her hips as well as the bladder issue. Additionally, there is a flower essence formula in the Animal Collection at that is very helpful with the aches and pains of the aging process. It's called"Senior Citizen". You might also want to look for a litter box with amore shallow entrance. I've even had a client who rigged up a ramp to allow her cat to get in and out of the litter more easily.
Again, I do feel that this is a veterinary problem, and hopefully one that can be diagnosed with some simple testing. I hope Seer recovers completely soon and enjoys her old age with her very caring Mommy!
Many Blessings,
Jennifer Dickman
JenniferDickman is an Animal Communicator, Reiki Master-Teacher specializing in Animal Reiki, and Intuitive Counselor. She conducts phone and email sessions worldwide. She may be contacted at,215-817-0833, or through her web site,, where her MP3s "Journey to Contact Your Animals in Spirit" and "Deep Relaxation" are also for sale. To subscribe to Jennifer’s newsletter and receive a free copy of her essay, "Five Tings Your Cat or Dog Wants You to Know", please email Jennifer with the word "Newsletter" in the subject line.
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