PA/NJ: Holistic Educational Programs
HolisticMaster of Arts Degrees & Certificates
Unique,holistic, integrated, experiential, transformative, spiritual Master of Artsdegree programs in Consciousness Studies, Integrative Health and Healing,Learning and Thinking, Writing and Oral Tradition, Organizational Leadership,and Conflict Transformation. Certificates in Ecotherapy and CulturalSustainability, Health Coaching and Patient Navigation, Integrative Health andHealing, and Story Telling. Transformative Coach Training for ICFCertification. Exceptional programs unique on the East Coast. Progressiveeducation; Cohort style learning; Integrated curriculums; Learner centered;Onsite education; Flexible learning model committed to helping adult learnerssucceed.
Begins: ongoing enrollments Length ofProgram: varies by program Application Deadline: varies by program Tuition:varies by program Upon Completion: Accredited Master of Arts; AccreditedCertificates; Coach Training for certification by the International CoachFederation (ICF) Open House: check website Contact:The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT 06524 Phone:203-874-4252 Email: Website:
HomeStudy - Holistic, Metaphysical & Therapeutic Fields
Bachelor,Master, Doctorate distance degrees. Syllabus tailored to each applicant. Mostcourses textbook-based. Counseling Psychology, Metaphysics, Esoteric Studies,Hypnotherapy, Spirituality, Religious/Interfaith Studies, Life Coaching,Holistic Studies, Complementary Health Studies, Parapsychology, Thanatology,Voice (Rock/popular singing), Independent/Interdisciplinary studies. ABD to PhDcompletion by dissertation welcome. Enroll any time. Established 2001, UK HQ, registered in Vanuatu. International Association DistanceLearning accredited. Joint awards available with California institution - ask for details.Phone (UK#) +44-207-748-3134. Email Holistic distance certificates/diplomas available at ourassociated school
Begins: ongoing Length of Program:normally from 18 months; accelerated options possible Pre-requisites:varies according to program Tuition: from approx. $1750 for degreecourses Application: required Upon Completion: Bachelor, Master,Doctorate, Certificates Contact: Dr. Morris Berg, Calamus InternationalUniversity, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, U.K. WC1N 3XX Phone: +44-207-748-3134 Email: Website:
Ordinationprogram to prepare for interfaith ministry. Learn to meet people where they arespiritually and physically, in trauma, catastrophe, or celebration. Unique,experiential curriculum with personal development component, major religionstudies, spiritual practice, in small, personal setting. Create sermons, liferituals, lead services and more from an interspiritual context. Distancelearning available. Once monthly classes meet September to May and are livestreamed.
Begins: September 2015 Length ofProgram: 1 or 2 years Pre-requisites: Read/write English at CollegeLevel; Bachelor Degree preferred but not necessary Application Deadline:rolling Tuition: $3100, financial aid is available Upon Completion:Ordination as Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister Open House: beginningJanuary 2015 Contact: Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, New Vision InterspiritualSeminary, 405 Tarrytown Road, #1330, White Plains, NY 10607 Location ofSchool: Elmsford, NY Phone: 914-345-2043 Fax: 914-345-2044 Website:
Ministry School
Circleof Miracles is a Nondenominational/ Interfaith Church and Ministry School. The exciting curriculum isdesigned to enhance the deepening of your unique spiritual journey. Classesmeet eleven weekends over 15 months. You are ordained as a NondenominationalInterfaith Minister upon completion, entitling you to legally performMarriages, Birth/Adult Namings, conduct Funerals, Spiritual Guidance Counseling,and hold your own Nondenominational Interfaith Services.
Begins: September 25, 2015 Length ofProgram: 19 months Application: required Pre-requisites: HighSchool or GED Upon Completion: Interfaith Minister Contact: Rev.Hannelore Goodwin and Rev. Glenda Smith, Circle of Miracles School ofMinistries, 10 Beulah Road, New Britain, PA 18901 Phone: 267-218-4254 Website:
AuraReading & Healing
Adifferent kind of training: discover your natural abilities in our in-depth16-week program, “Introduction to Reading and Healing.” Beginners welcome!Learn to read people, see their energy and what affects them, and help them getunstuck. Read auras, chakras, and past lives, and learn energy healing in asafe space. Experience your intuitive/psychic side while keeping your feet onthe ground. Find yourself and grow in the process! Led by our director, with 30years experience. It’s fun, powerfully life-changing - and easier than you’dthink! Start with a beginning Self-Healing Meditation Class. Other 4-weekclasses include: Owning Your Space; Creating and Communicating; Female Energy;Male Energy; Chakras; Money and Abundance; Your Body; Past, Present and Future;Eating, Emotions and Energy. Intro to Reading and Healing is followed by twointermediate 16-week training courses. Also available are 2-year and 5-yearadvanced programs, as well as teacher training programs.
Begins: January 2015 Length of Program:4 months Tuition: $950 pre-paid (installment plan available) Pre-requisites:Two 4-week classes Upon Completion: framed certificate Contact:Brad Hess, Director, Intuitive Energy: A School for Creative Healing, 18 E. 2ndStreet, 3rd floor, Media, PA 19063 Mailing: PO Box 1917, Media, PA 19063Phone: 610-848-8334 Email: Website:
BachFlower International Education Program
LevelI: March 14-15, 2015 and September 12-13, 2015 at Ahhjusting to Life in Mechanicsville, PA. Level II: October 17-18, 2015 in the Philadelphia area (location TBA). Bach Flowerfor Pets & Their People: A Level I Class: May 16-17, 2015 at Ahhhjusting to Life, Mechanicsville, PA. Register now - class space islimited. Please visit the events page at www.ahhhjustingtolife. com for moredetails and to register.
Contact: Dr. Lauren Nappen, Ahhhjusting toLife, Mechanicsville, PA Phone: 215-794-0606 Website: www.ahhhjustingtolifelcom
NGH approved Hypnosis Certification Course. Includes allcourse materials and trademarked color-coded system and additional workbook.You will also receive a year’s membership in the National Guild of Hypnotists.You will learn the skills necessary to use hypnosis for yourself or to start anew career in Hypnotherapy. This is an intense 8 day course. The school is alicensed career school by the NH Department of Education, Career ServicesDivision. There is homework that is assigned. Register 3 weeks in advance for$150 early registration discount. There is a payment plan for those whoqualify. La Quinta Motels offers a student discount and is located less than1/2 mile from the school.
Begins: December 6, 2014 Length ofProgram: 8 days Pre-requisites: High School and a phone interview ApplicationDeadline: December 1, 2014 Tuition: $1995 Contact: Dawn E.Whiting, Thomas Institute of Hypnosis/Academy of Hypnotherapy, 1802 Elm Street,Suite 7, Manchester, NH 03104 Phone: 603-669-0185 Email: Website:
Lookingfor a new or expanded career? Learn to lead up to 14 different workshops in thephilosophy of Louise Hay. Complete materials provided. Training is approved byLouise and authorized by Hay House. 7 day training: 4/18/15 to 4/25/15 in SanDiego, 8/1/15 to 8/8/15 in Maryland, fall dates in San Diego to be announced.Tuition includes lodging and most meals. Mention this ad for $400 discount!
Begins: April 18, 2015 Length ofProgram: 7 days Pre-requisites: Be familiar with the work of LouiseHay and be excited about teaching it Application Deadline: Earlyregistration by January 15, 2015 Tuition: $4595 Upon Completion:Heal Your Life Workshop Leader (Licensing is also required.) Contact:Patricia J. Crane, PhD, Heal Your Life Training, (east and west locations), POBox 1081, Bonsall, CA 92003 Phone: 800-969-4584 Fax: 760-728-7390Email: Website:
Investin Your Future - Become a Licensed Massage Therapist! Next class begins January2015. Now enrolling for evening program. * Massage Essentials * Small IntimateClasses * Anatomy & Physiology * Medicinal Aromatherapy * Meditation &Wellness Training * Preparation for Licensing Exam * Day or Evening Classes *0% Financing Available. For complete details visit
Begins: January 2015 Contact:Institute for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, Inc., Chadds Ford, PA Phone:610-358-5800 Website:
SpiritualHealer & Ascension
Aura/ChakraReading, Clearing, Repair, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, EthericSurgeons, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clearboundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit foradults, children, pets, the planet. Participate live on Skype or by phone.Since 1986 providing personalized Healer Development and legal certification topeople in US and Canada.
Begins: January 22, 2015 Length ofProgram: 28 classes meet every other Thursday Pre-requisites:initial healing session to determine readiness Tuition: $2750 up front,$2900 pay as you go, payment plans available Upon Completion: Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Contact:Rev. Eve Wilson, The Healer Development Program, 3090 Wolverine Dr., Ann Arbor,MI 48108 Phone: 734-780-7635 Email: Website:
TherapeuticMassage & Bodywork
Lookingfor a new career? Massage Therapy is one of the fastest growing professions!School of Body Therapies, located in Langhorne, PA, is Pennsylvania StateLicensed to convey a 600-hour diploma in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Inaddition to the core classes, we offer approximately 1000 hours of electivesmostly in the evenings and weekends year round. Payment plans available,ongoing continuing education classes, full line of massage therapy supplies.
Contact: School of Body Therapies, 760Woodbourne Road, Langhorne, PA 19047
Website: (info & registration)
Studentscomplete five weekend modules, a clinical practicum (therapeutic playing forapproximately 100 patients), required reading list, and develop at least 90minutes of appropriate repertoire for patient conditions. In 2014-2015, eastcoast modules are being offered in MI, NJ, MD, NY, NH, IL, VA, and NC. MHTPtrains musicians in the art and science of providing therapeutic music inhealthcare facilities.
Begins: ongoing Length of Program: 2-3 years Pre-requisites: intermediatemusicianship (instrumental or vocal) Tuition: approximately $2200,financial aid available Contact: Melinda Gardiner, RN, CMP, Music forHealing and Transition Program, PO Box 127, Hillsdale, NY 12529 Phone:518-325-5546 Email: Website:
In-HousePrograms: Wholistic Massage Therapy Certificate, 200-hour and 300-hour YogaTeacher Training, Reflexology Certificate, Aromatherapy Certificate, HerbalMedicine Certificate. Programs Affiliated with Camden Co. College: AssociatesDegree in Applied Science in Massage Therapy and Massage Therapy Certificate ofAchievment. Apply at the Open House November 20, 5pm to 7pm for NoApplication Fee!
Contact: Lourdes Institute of WholisticStudies, 900 Haddon Ave., Suite 116, Collingswood, NJ 08108 Phone:856-569-3134 Website: www.LourdesInstitute.Org
CapeMay Retreat
AwakenYour Natural Potential to Love, Heal and Connect. Immerse yourself in light aswe share a weekend of yoga, meditation, channeling and awakening at the lovelyCongress Hall in Cape May, NJ. Create space within to unlock your potential,let go of limitations, and become fearless in order to uncover your truenature.
Begins: January 23, 2015 Length ofProgram: January 23-25, 2015 Tuition: $225 by December 15th, $250afterwards Contact: Lisa Miliaresis, Medium/Author and Tricia Heiser,RYT, Extreme Communications & The Sanctuary for Yoga, Held at:Congress Hall, 200 Congress Place, Cape May, NJ 08204 Phone:856-439-0472 Email: Website:
SpiritualGuidance: Trusting the Voice Within
SpiritualGuidance: Trusting the Voice Within: An interactive workbook that can awakenyour hidden potential! Discover an energetic language that exists within andtap into its ability to improve your life experiences. Embrace this journeythrough simple exercises that will unlock awareness and abilities you didn’teven know you had! Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
Contact: Lisa Miliaresis, Medium &Author, Extreme Communications, PO Box 636, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Phone:856-439-0472 Email: Website:
413-637-3717 Website:
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