What's Your Plan?
by Laura Norman
How many of us have a plan as we start a new year? Some people have to-do lists they use to get through each day. The rapidly growing number of people with smartphones often use their calendar apps to schedule appointments and other important events. But who do you know that has a clear vision for how to create the life they desire?
The difference? It’s in the way we perceive how the world works. Many spiritual teachers espouse the idea that there is no such thing as out there.
We are the ultimate creators of our life. What we perceive as out there is actually just a mirror of our inner world. When we see ourselves as victims, the world we experience reinforces our belief that we must protect ourselves, cementing the very walls that block the flow of life’s abundant treasures. When we see the world as loving, it is because we are projecting a loving vibration, without resistance and attracting love back.
As a life wellness coach, I’m often asked, “How can I have a different, easier and happier life?” The answer is quite simple. Since we create our lives from the inside out, having a plan or vision makes a great deal of sense. To live an extraordinary life, just be clear about what you desire and stay aligned with your higher, loving Self. Life becomes much easier and your desires begin to manifest. Driven by the Law of Attraction, whatever we focus on - however we are feeling - is reflected in how we experience ourlives.
One of the easiest ways to align with our highest purpose is to relax, which releases resistance naturally. By letting go of resistance, we return to our natural state of being peaceful, loving, creative and happy selves. Reflexology is one of the most powerful ways to profoundly relax your body, mind and spirit. By receiving gentle, yet firm pressure on specific pressure points on your feet, hands, face and ears, tension and resistance melts, allowing health and happiness to manifest.
Whether your desire is to experience reflexology for yourself, or to help yourself and others achieve their life plan, visit our website to schedule a session or learn more about how you can become a holistic reflexologist.
Laura Norman, M.S., LMT, world-renowned Holistic Reflexologist and author of the best-selling book, Feet First: A Guide to Foot Reflexology, offers private Reflexology and Life Wellness Coaching sessions and Holistic Reflexology Training Programs in New York City starting February 7-9 and February 22-23, 2015. Educational DVDs in Foot, Hand and Face Reflexology and natural aromatherapy products available. For more information Visit www.lauranorman.com, email classes@lauranorman.com , or call 212-532-4404
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