Remote Viewing: Awakening Your Psychic Abilities
by Jon Noble
Once a month or so a group of consciousness explorers, known as “Remote Viewers”, gathers at the A.R.E. Center in Manhattan to practice their physic abilities. I bring along a ‘target’, such as my camera, a bottle opener, or a wooden star – small things with distinctive characteristics - which remains hidden from view, and the remote viewers attempt to describe it. Their process involves a quieting of the mind, and an internal question and answer methodology used to access the unseen information.
At the end of the process the viewers will have a list of descriptive words, a sketch or two, maybe some nouns regarding what the object is, what it is used for, and anything distinctive about it.
Afterwards, the object is revealed and the viewers compare their recorded perceptions. Any correct information above chance points to evidence of successful remote viewing.
What is Remote Viewing?
Remote Viewing is defined as “the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time”, but it requires the protocols of “blindness”, pre-defined targets, and recorded session documentation (unless you’ve written it down it doesn’t count!) to really be considered as Remote Viewing.
The term “Remote Viewing” came out of a government-funded research program started at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the early 70s. The scientists wanted a phrase that described the abilities without the baggage the word “psychic” carried. Out of the SRI program came methods for testing the boundaries of psychic perceptions and procedures to assist the viewer in the “acquisition, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception”.
Remote viewing is not 100% accurate. There are as yet unknown factors that inhibit consistently accurate sessions. However, our meetings have produced many good descriptions, even naming of hidden targets –truly the acquisition of information blocked from ordinary perception that cannot be explained from a purely materialistic viewpoint.
An Inherent Human Ability
One of the findings from the SRI program was that almost everyone has some psychic ability. As with most human endeavors a bell curve of capabilities exists; some are naturally proficient, while some have little tono natural ability; however, most of us lie somewhere in-between.
The story of how the program started and what it found is fascinating and is covered in several books. Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff’s book of the SRI experiments; Mind-Reach, Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities is recommended.
Jon Noble, author of Natural Remote Viewing – A practical guide to the mental martial art of self-discovery has been running a remote viewing practice group in Manhattan since 2011. The group is open to all, and provides a friendly environment in which to discuss and practice ( Instructed by many of the remote viewing pioneers (RussellTarg, Stephan Schwartz, Skip Atwater), Jon is currently training with Paul H.Smith in the more structured CRV methodology. Jon is appearing at the Awaken NY fair on January 25, 2015 ( 917-592-3424
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