Intuition As Your Power Tool
Teachings of the Brotherhood of LightWorkers
by Judi Thomases
The following segment hasbeen received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. Itis an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through thejourney of life.
In each life, somechallenge arises.
Whereas most people are trained from earliest years, if not from birth, toreact to challenge with a great deal of distress and with all effort made tosolve the dilemma and apply one's resources to its removal, in fact not muchtraining has been given to dwell in the circumstances while maintaining innerpeace. For this type of encountering must be taught; it is not as naturalto the aspect of a human being that is called the lower nature, or the animalself.
Observation will immediately show that all creatures other than humanity, whenfaced with crisis, react blindly from instinct, to flee or fight. Thehuman, however, is overlaid with an additional power tool - that is,self-awareness. Self-awareness utilizes the logical mind but that is notall that it is. Self-awareness is also capable of transcending both theanimal nature and the logical brain in order to access a field of intuitiveknowing, overriding both rational deduction and blind instinct in regards tohandling situations. However, it is not as natural and so the person mustbe trained or guided in the use of this faculty.
In the instance where the immediate reaction is powerful, the person can betrained to forego that response even for a fraction of time, and instead lookto an inner confirmation about proceeding, or an inner sense of delayingreactiveness in favor of observation just a moment or two longer. Oftenthis lag between flight or fight is just enough to allow the other - higher -faculty of intuition to make its guidance known. More than instinct, itis self-preservative and helps the advanced person to confirm a new course ofbehavior in the face of crisis. This split-second pause to heed thehigher navigation system must often be taught, for it does not come naturallyto most. However, once practiced, it becomes the path of choice for itscommunication with the lower mind and its emotional responses; it gives theedge. It as though intuition is the extra ability that makes the humannot only more savvy, but the new human more angelic! It is like steppingup the product - a new and improved version of the old.
The new human shall be trained to value this ability, and to utilize it in allsituations, especially those of crisis. This will result in a speciesthat advances much more rapidly towards its ideal and its survival.
© 2015 by Judi Thomases. All rights reserved.
Astrologer, psychic andchanneler for over four decades, frequent contributor to Dell Horoscopemagazine, featured guest on ABC, CBS, Sirius, Judi Thomases' own inner voice of spiritual guidance is TheBrotherhood of Light Workers. Her newest book, “The Wisdom Keys”, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, andBalboa Press. Judi is available forprivate consultations - contact formore information.
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