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Resolving Chronic Lyme

by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.

The way to treat Lyme is to realize that Lyme is just a name that is being used to describe many differing infections and infestations. We are only beginning to truly understand Lyme and how it manifests in not just everybody, but in each individual body.  Lyme can no longer be thought of as a tick-borne illness.  It is a ticking time bomb that morphs and adapts to the individual body that it infects. Your inherent or predisposed weaknesses are the determining factor in how Lyme will affect you.  

Lyme is a chronic infiltration of your body systems with branches that continually challenge your immune system to keep up.  This is the reason that antibiotics often do not reduce the severity or symptoms of Lyme.  Even if symptoms initially abate, they will return, often much more severely and for longer periods of time. This is not just because of the complexity of the infections, but often because antibiotics disrupt your gut flora, allowing secondary infections to develop more often and more rapidly.

 There are three parts to Lyme treatment:

#1: Reduce or eliminate all current stress to your immunity including:

· Food sensitivities or allergies: digestive strengthening and restoration.
· Environmental allergies: homeopathics for allergy resolution and liver strengthening.
· Heavy metal exposure or high toxic load – detoxification of the body tissues.
· Reduce current infections – mold, fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites.  
· Balance your emotions and energies – establish coping mechanisms for mood stabilization. 
· Reduce EMF stress – protect and treat the body for exposure to radiation

#2: You have to treat the infection on all levels:

· Herbal therapy with Astragalus, Andrographis, Cat’s Claw, Wormwood.
· Increase the release of toxic debris from the infection with lymphatic drainage and homeopathic remedies for lymphatic congestion.
· Support the long-term health of the immune system with whole food Vitamin C, Calcium Lactate powder, spleen tonics and Echinacea Purpurea.
#3: Restoration.  This is an essential part of treatment to ensure that symptoms never recur:

· Systemic enzymes to power the body’s natural cleansing metabolic reactions.
· Emotional therapy to direct the body’s energetic healing ability.
· Antioxidant therapy with various plant extracts including green tea, resveratrol, whole food vitamin C, and grapeseed extract.  
· Essential Fatty Acid therapy including the old standby, cod liver oil, black currant seed oil and flaxseed oil.
· Restore cellular metabolism with concentrated cellular formulas and adrenal complexes for renewed energy.
· Gut Flora restoration for balanced digestion and immunity.

Don’t wait for a diagnosis or rely on antibiotics.  Take the opportunity to make your body resistant to every infection, not just Lyme. 

 Karen Clickner, C.C.H. is a nationally registered Naturopathic physician practicing in Massachusetts.  She hosts an online holistic magazine, The Herbal Advisor developed from her radio series on World Radio Geneva in Switzerland.  She was the owner of ISIS Holistic Clinic in Boston and currently owns Conscious Body Natural Medicine in Brookline and Holden.  She has worked with more than 13,000 patients around the world and provides private consultations and Skype evaluations.  For more info email consciousbodynatmed@gmail.com or visit www.consciousbodynatmed.com

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