Teachings from the Brotherhood of Light Workers: You Are the Author
by Judi Thomases
If, in fact, there is no division between you inside and us above, there should not be a fear that all is lost or all will collapse. It is a false notion based on wrong conceiving to think that the protective divine layer of experience will abandon the needy questing layer. It is as though the infant will be disregarded. Or even more to the point, that the skin is not needed by the tissue.
To separate each component of the overall story about life on Earth is to mistake the experiencer for its maker, as though the author had no part in the writing. Think instead of a congenial whole that for a story to be sent in a challenging direction the author must have a plot in mind.
Ah, that is exactly so. Who is the author of the world's plot? Is it you? Is it we? If "we", are you pawns and separate creatures that we establish and then discard? If it is "you", are you so befuddled that you forgot your role as creator and cast about for exterior guidance when the power of authorship is still right in you, in there?
A new day dawns. That day is the recognition of personal power in devising new storylines and making new possibilities open for the character that you are playing. Your role is ever more seen in your drama. In this act, you have presented great challenge. Become a Shakespeare. The ingenious device is needed. Find it. Invent it. Create it and insert it into your story. Unless, of course, you prefer playing the role of martyr. That is always your choice, and none other.
So you see, we who are deemed higher are here but are not the sole instrument of your life's storyline. We are the creators behind the scene as you are the creators on the stage.
Astrologer, psychic and channeler for over four decades, frequent contributor to Dell Horoscope magazine, featured guest on ABC, CBS, Sirius, Judi Thomases' own inner voice of spiritual guidance is The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Her newest book, “The Wisdom Keys”, can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press. Judi is available for private consultations - contact judi@wisdompath.com for more information.
© 2015 by Judi Thomases
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