Excerpt from "The Teacher Appears"
by Brian Leaf
Six Sample Prompts from Brian Leaf's new book
THE TEACHER APPEARS: 108 Prompts to Power Your Yoga Practice
1. Mahatma Gandhi said, “I shall cease to be useful as soon as I cease to be myself.” Carry this journal today and list the moments when you are most yourself.
2. Break the bonds of mindless habit. Close this book and go do the most unlikely thing.
3. What part of your body irks you the most? Send ridiculous amounts of love and kisses and tenderness there right now and during your next yoga practice.
4. The erroneous belief that genuine happiness comes only from pleasant feelings can become a strong motivation to stay closed to anything unpleasant. But by staying closed to all unpleasantness, we also stay closed to our own wellspring of compassion. Can you mindfully open today to one unpleasantness that you typically avoid?
5. Complete this sentence: I have known for a while now that it is time for me to...
6. Sit up tall and then mentally state: May I be happy. May I be well. May I know that I belong. May I be peaceful and at ease.
Then bring to mind a friend or loved one, close your eyes, and mentally state. May you be happy. May you be well. May you know that you belong. May you be peaceful and at ease.
Repeat this for another loved one or friend, closing your eyes and mentally stating. May you be happy. May you be well. May you know that you belong. May you be peaceful and at ease.
Now bring to mind someone with whom you have difficulty, and mentally state: May you be happy. May you be well. May you know that you belong. May you be peaceful and at ease.
Then relax, breathe deeply, and open your eyes. How do you feel?
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