Ask Your Pet
by Jennifer Dickman
Dear Jennifer,
I have a dog who is on the older side, named Chesya. Lately she’s seemed very withdrawn to me. She doesn’t want to play or even be affectionate like usual. She doesn’t seem like herself. Can you tell me what’s wrong? It’s very distressing as she’s usually so loving and attentive.
Thank you,
Dear Talia,
Any time an animal is experiencing a change in personality or behavior, I always urge clients (and everyone) to take them to a veterinarian for an examination. Behavioral changes can often be an indication of medical issues. I also need to begin the reading with the caveat that I’m not a veterinarian, and nothing in this column is medical advice or a medical diagnosis.
Connecting with Chesya, she seems both depressed and anxious to me. She wants me to tell you it's nothing you did, and you didn't do anything wrong. She says she loves you just as much as ever. Chesya explains that she's just not feeling herself. When I connect with her I feel like my head hurts and I'm a little dizzy. (This is often how I experience symptoms from an animal - feeling them in my own body.) It feels like she's tired and sort of doesn't want to do much of anything. And, yes, withdrawn into herself. It's really like someone whose symptoms are such a fine line between depression and chronic fatigue that it's hard to tell which it is. It feels like it's a combination of both. Chesya is adding that her “bones ache." I'm feeling that primarily in my lower legs.
I may certainly be wrong, but it seems to me that there’s a physical issue or issues that are causing the depression and withdrawal. I see an image of Chesya nodding her head “yes” as I'm typing that. I would take her to the vet, hopefully holistic, and get her checked out as soon as possible.
I'm so sorry - I hope I'm wrong and she's fine and just feeling a bit off emotionally. But, she's really not mentioning anything she's upset about other than the physical issues. Chesya is telling me again to tell you she's not mad at you. She feels bad she's upsetting you and wants to make sure you know it's not about you, and she just isn't herself right now, but loves you very much.
Best of luck to you and Chesya. I hope she’s back to her old self soon!
Many Blessings,
Jennifer Dickman
Jennifer Dickman is an Animal Communicator, Reiki Master-Teacher specializing in Animal Reiki, and Intuitive Counselor. She conducts phone and email sessions worldwide. She may be contacted at, or through her website,, where her MP3s "Journey to Contact Your Animals in Spirit" and "Deep Relaxation" are also for sale. To subscribe to Jennifer’s newsletter and receive a free copy of her essay, "Five Things Your Cat or Dog Wants You to Know", please email Jennifer with the word "Newsletter" in the subject line.
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