Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.
When two people get together, there is created a synergy, a back and forth resonance of vibration that can serve to enhance their lives or reduce their experience on planet Earth.
The singular individual has only him/herself to reflect upon and dialogue with. The singular individual is alone in the sense that there is no repartee, no exchange, and often no influence that will enter and move the vibrational pattern up or down, or even side to side. The individual who is alone exists in a kind of stasis, and only if he/she is very determined, striving and pushing to make interaction the order of the day, there results only a familiar blandness. This is often at the root of loneliness, for it is not the isolation that engenders pain but the lack of vibrational interchange that allows reflection, change, response, reaction and a feeling of aliveness.
In today's world, the internet has solved some of the problem associated with isolation, for social interchange, though mostly faceless, suffices for the missing element that adds to the gingerness of partnering. However, even with this tool, the average human longs for exchange. This truth hides a deeper understanding which is that singularity always seeks and needs its reflection in order to grow.
Some species, such as cats, are self-sufficient in that their interchange with the environment suffices to produce all that is needed in terms of experience and growth. However, the human species bearing as it does the unique addition of personal awareness, needs to find its other self and bounce off of that. There are many ways to do so, from discussions to love-making, from combat to peaceful joining, all can be reduced to the notion of an exchange. Each type of exchange produces synergy, and in that vibrating twang is everything a person needs to grow and expand in awareness. Even in painful interchange in which one feels diminished by the exchange there is still growth and expansion of awareness.
For people, then, the worst that can befall is to have no one to bounce against or even no stimuli with the outside world with which to take up the challenge.
When people understand themselves in this fundamental way, as beings who need other beings for good or for bad, a shift will occur. There will be different understanding of things such as necessity, true punishment, requirements for a beneficial life, and of course wisdom. Society can then be structured along new and different lines.
Astrologer, psychic and channeler for over four decades, frequent contributor to Dell Horoscope magazine, featured guest on ABC, CBS, Sirius, Judi Thomases' own inner voice of spiritual guidance is The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Her newest book, “The Wisdom Keys”, can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press. Judi is available for private consultations - contact judi@wisdompath.com for more information. © 2017 by Judi Thomases
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