All About Mars and What's Coming Soon...
by Elissa Heyman
March begins on a full moon at 11 degrees Virgo, and it signals a readiness in people to act, as if in February they got ready to do something they want to do, and in March they act on it. The forces of Nature are super-active this month, and in people this can catalyze breakthroughs in your progress and projects.
March puts the spotlight on a glaring amount of Mars energy as The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Uranus are all grouped in Mars-ruled Aries. Mars also rules armies and police, as well as aggressive, impulsive actions. If the White House wants a war, it would definitely come out in March. Other aggressive actions could be the re-ordering of American infrastructure to reflect what the citizens demand.
Aries key identity descriptors are “me, myself, and I.” The positive expression of this can be a month that produces spontaneous and surprising actions: if you’ve been trying to make something happen or have followed a program, you’re likely to see strong results. It is also easier now for people to champion their own self and desires, in a healthy way and with concerted effort. On a collective level, people rise up for their rights, and fight.
Expressed negatively, the concern is that that so much Mars energy running through planets that rule health, emotional balance, partnerships, thoughts, and impulses, might cause a self-destructive person to go to hell in a jet. On a collective level, all that Mars energy fueling conflicts just requires a lit match to start a war.
Nobody should try to test their limits in March. Instead, make it a priority to live a healthy life in the midst of such volatile energy. Be buoyed up by how lively life is, but make “living a balanced life” your daily aim. Ability to participate in and enjoy what’s blowing in the wind this March depends on how you take care of yourself.
Psychic horoscopes and helpful messages about the year or week are posted regularly on Elissa Heyman’s blog. Private sessions in Manhattan with psychic counselor and spiritual healer Elissa Heyman from Santa Fe will be available March 22nd at TRS Professional Suite. Telephone sessions available any other time. Elissa’s website and award-winning blog have helpful free services: guided meditations and a weekly psychic guidance column. For information about individual sessions or the mini-workshop “Imagination, Creativity, and Intuition”: or 505-982-3294.
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