Your Lack is Your Gift
by Cassendre Xavier
Wherever you think there is lack, in yourself and in your life, there is also a gift.
When we choose to see our lacking areas as gift areas, we can transform our lives.
If there is something you don't like about yourself, or about where you are in your life right now, choose to see those things as gifts. And think about ways you can share those gifts.
When we see our lack as gifts, we see and feel that we are blessed.
When we choose to share our gifts, we are loving.
When we are loving, we are loved.
And when we are loved, we are prosperous.
Sharing your gifts can look like:
* Writing to express yourself and inspire others
* Singing beautiful music
* Writing thought-provoking poetry
* Being there for a friend
* Mentoring someone
* Doing any job with care, love, and excellence
When you see your lack as a gift, you may find yourself becoming more compassionate.
An example of turning a lack into a gift that you appreciate and then share is having had a painful childhood.
There's a book called "Legacy of the Heart: The Spiritual Advantages of a Painful Childhood", by Wayne Muller. It's a wonderful book that says,among other things, that people who have had difficult childhoods can be very compassionate as a result.
Many of us become healers or helpers ourselves, like the person who gave me that book years ago - she became a nun, and then a nurse.
Another example is people who have an unconventional appearance, or who don't like their looks and maybe were bullied or poked fun of as children. Many become very strong personalities, developing courage for individuality and being authentic, or other traits and qualities that are considered attractive.
Teaching others how to develop these qualities can be a way to appreciate the original so-called lack and give back by serving others and building community.
Many well-known entertainers and public figures had a major challenge or tragedy in their former lives that they overcame to reach stellar heights. But going that distance isn't necessary to sincerely enjoy your life and make areal impact.
All you have to do is practice gratitude, appreciation, and sharing of yourself, even the supposed lack in yourself, and in your life.
When you do, you will see we are all truly abundant and prosperous, each to discover in our own life and world exactly how.
CassendreXavier is a $15,000 Leeway Transformation Award-winning self-described “multi-media healing artist” who writes, records music and guided meditations,and creates community cultural arts events. She has written for Wisdom Magazine’s webzine since 2009.Visit her storefront of recordings, and books of poetry and inspiring essays at
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