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Your Dream Life is Just Around the Corner

6 Secrets to Becoming a Visionary Mama!

by Vanessa LeBlanc

Not today.. says your reflection in the mirror unconsciously closing the door to your happiness and carrying your desires away with the current. Another day has come, and yet your dream of becoming the woman you’ve always wanted to be seems more distant. As if caught in a time loop, you see this dream slowly slipping away, and you can’t let that happen.

Women tend to lead from the heart. And often, we give all our love, devotion and care to others forgetting about taking care of our own needs and desires.

The secret that often goes untold is that while you are pottering around on this planet, there’s still time to fulfill your deepest desires and create the life you’ve always wanted to live. It all comes down to you and how ready you are to welcome this new life into your heart and home.

Being a Mama is a gift and a blessing.. it always helps to remember.

But as the cycle of life dictates, this Mama has once been a girl who had big dreams of becoming a happy woman, living her life with purpose and excitement, and building a strong and loving family.

Now imagine a reality where this dream had come true – your reality.

William Arthur Ward once said “If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it”.

The fact that you’re reading this now is a sign that you’re willing and ready to create this new dream and live happily ever after.

Become Heart Aligned and be True to Yourself

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at the destination prepared to be herself and only herself”.

The wisdom of poetry cannot lie. It comes from the heart. It holds the truth. And the truth is,

it takes courage to listen to your heart and be true to yourself. We lose our purpose in life when we allow our mind to dictate our actions and our experiences.

Allow the flower within to bloom and open your heart as it will ignite the flame that has been dormant for a long while and awaken the life energy needed to give shape to your dream.

When the heart dictates our actions and our experiences, we vibrate with joy, and our heart sings with love.

Create a Vision for Your Family

The bonds we share with our family, by birth or marriage, have a huge impact on our emotional well-being. Cultivating the art of togetherness in a space of love nurtures and guides the development of happy children who understand the importance of honoring their own hearts and souls.

As a wife and a Mama, you have a priceless role of nurturing your own heart desires while creating a thriving environment where all family members feel valued, loved and appreciated for their uniqueness. Creating a vision for your family life is the secret to building a happy and healthy family. Cultivate your spiritual connection with your loved one to fortify your life partnership.

Become clear on how you want to engage the heart and mind of your children. Whilst you cannot mold them, you can unfold them to be loving and compassionate and true to themselves.

Manifest your Intentions

“Words may inspire but only action creates change”.

It is not enough to crave the change, you have to set an intention and make the commitment. This is the key to transforming your dream into reality. It is the little choices you make in your everyday life that will lead you to living the life you want. There is but one degree of commitment, total. Your commitment and passion should consume you to the extent that you start believing and acting like you’re living your family dream already.

Give yourself the permission to make mistakes along the way. Your mistakes do not define you. Everything is a learning opportunity and leading you to your chosen path. Embrace your imperfections and let your heart guide you - you will shift to your new life path and manifest your wildest dreams in a more natural and graceful way.

Embrace & Celebrate your Uniqueness

We’ve been raised to embrace the idea of collectiveness where each individual plays the role they are given, mainly absorbed through their experiences with their family. However until recently society failed to understand that “we’re all unique, and have our own special place in the puzzle of the universe”. Over time, perceptions have changed, and uniqueness isn’t now seen as a weakness or threat, but a strength and opportunity, as it always should have been.

Once you embrace your uniqueness, you will learn more about who you are and what you like. It will give you strength to realize your potential. It is the way out of the rut if you want to make a huge leap forward and build your own business that will mean more time to spend at home with your children. Use the power of uniqueness as fuel to do whatever you have in mind. By celebrating your uniqueness you can transform your life.

Most importantly, this will inspire your children to follow in your footsteps and use their uniqueness to shape a fulfilling life.

The Art of Letting Go of Anything Holding You Back

Easier said than done, letting go is probably the most difficult thing to do. Under Freytag’s pyramid, this would be known as the climax part of the plot, the drama that plays a decisive role in your transformation process. It means giving up on things you’ve collected through life that are toxic – any thoughts, habits, relationships that have accompanied you through years and made you miserable. These things are energetically draining you and sucking the life out of you, and cutting cords with them is a part of the process. You know it has been the right decision when you enter a sense of serenity that brings calmness within.

Gratefulness is a Choice

We usually live in the past and the future, but not the present. We relive moments, we envision future events, but we never concentrate on the Now. Gratefulness is a choice you consciously make to embrace and celebrate life as it is. It is a choice you make to enjoy life, and this is what our children are so good at. It is their innate instinct to be happy in the Now, play, laugh, have fun.. and instead of playing the part of demanding parents, we should stop and listen. There’s so much knowledge we can learn from them. When was the last time you watched your children play?!

Anything in a woman’s hands is possible. You have the chance to take your family life in your own hands, give it shape and form, color and warmth to thrive and grow.

Vanessa LeBlanc “loves her children, her husband and having a lovely home and garden”.She is one of those few people you meet in your lifetime who inspires and changes lives. Through her program, she teaches women to develop a deeper understanding of the Law of Attraction to build their dream lives. If you’re ready to transform and create the life you’ve always wanted here is your chance. Embark on this transformational journey with Vanessa and become a Visionary Mama! Visit: vanessaleblanc.com for email info@vanessaleblanc.com for more information about Mentoring opportunities and upcoming courses.

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