The Darkest Hour
by Alison David Bird, C.Ht, originator of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing
This may feel like the darkest hour. But remember, the darkest hour falls just before dawn.
Change is testing. Nothing worth having, or worth striving for has ever been easy. As grueling as it may seem, personal hardship can be elevating for the spirit. Don’t give up, you are never alone, and opposition is in retreat! But as when most armies withdraw in defeat they launch on final push on all fronts, one last display of aggression, slashing and burning everything in their path. Right now, they are testing the fences for weakness, and figuratively speaking they are prodding your soft underbellies as they pour down frequencies of doubt, and disillusionment. They do this because you are so close! Never before has humanity been this close… And the potentials for each of you are unravelling at speed in every direction.
Ascension is not for the faint of heart, nor for those trapped in ego, or in fear…
Fortune favors the Brave! And this is now a race of attrition.
Ascension beyond the grid of this planet requires a balance of the ego-mind and of the Spirit; in a merger of matter and anti-matter, maintaining in its mastery a state of Equilibrium. This requires the harmonization of all energies and frequencies within your own bodies, and individual consciousness grids. Balance of all aspects of self enables the acceptance of higher TRUTH, and the release of JUDGMENT of new information - even if it seems to counter previous beliefs, and ultimately in ACCEPTANCE of challenging concepts as they unfurl in your heart space to the sound of the Herald of ‘All That Is’.
There is a requirement for each individual seeking Ascension to be able to touch Zero Point Field, or The Void, which means total surrender of all you are, and dissolution of the shadow self in order that you be free to enter the Halls of Creation.
The time has come for you to exit the 3D stage, and stand in the wings where you will quickly drop your old persona, your character, and step out of the roll you have played in this long-running drama. It’s time to take off the costume, and the wig, and make a ‘quick change’ into the new YOU, before appearing once again to tread the boards, beneath the lime light in a new role.
It takes courage. Those achieving higher Ascension are not delicate flowers, they are Warriors! This is not just a word emblazoned on a badge, and handed out to every kid in the school simply because they showed up; It is a hard-won medal of honor!
Your metal has been forged for strength, and tested for integrity throughout your Spiritual journey to ensure you have ‘the right stuff’!
Self-doubt is singularly the greatest threat to a Lightworker, Starseed, or Wayshower. You must let go of your doubts, and shed the fear-mongering ego mind in a process we term, 'The shaking the tree”. Each time it’s shaken more of the withering leaves fall from its branches onto the unfertile ground below, allowing for fresh new growth on the branches of the tree, and making space for stronger, greener leaves to thrive, continue to provide oxygen to breathe, shade for the weary and forlorn, and shelter from what is to come.
Info: Practitioner Training, Spiritual Alchemy & Ascension Mechanics, visit:
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