Your Horoscope for September & October 2021
by Elizabeth Joyce
Aries (3/21-4/20)
Now that summer is over it time to get organized. Workplace dynamics are you focus now including rapport among staff, assignments, and project launches. If you’re thinking about getting a new pet, be sure to verify breeding and health information. Excellent new contacts become a part of your database. If you’re feeling sluggish at month’s end be sure to check your nutrition diet. October brings demands on all fronts, as well as Mercury retrograde. Whatever you need to say or discuss, best to wait until after October 18th. The baggage clears around your career and the load lightens at month’s end.
Taurus (4/21-5/21)
After staying flexible over the summer, September brings the New Moon on the 6th, focusing on evolving enterprises and social outlets calling for a change of pace. You meet with key contacts who support your income-generating ideas. See what business owners are doing to rejuvenate capital and increase their bottom line. When Mercury retrogrades on the 27th, review your plans and budget details that need clarification to implement mid-October. You begin the new month with an abundance of energy. You’re ready for harvest and to reap what you’ve sown in terms of accomplishments. You’re so excited about the extra cash in your wallet you invite family and friends to an exclusive restaurant to celebrate the Halloween spirit. What fun!
Gemini (5/21-6/20)
The Universe works in your favor all through September to keep communication and humor flowing, especially before Mercury turns retrograde on the 27th. Be on the alert for telemarketing scams and block out unwanted calls. Enjoy social gatherings, but don’t whip out your checkbook to spend money on a whim. Your attention goes to household goods and appliances that need replacement. Shop around to discounted pricing during Mercury retrograde. Consider replacement in mid-October. The new month brings a flood of ideas filling your mind with nervous energy. Take a deep breath and make a list of what has to be tackled first. Create a plan that provides your bread and butter and select one or two directions to explore. Personal vibrations pick up momentum at month’s end. Perhaps it’s time for a change.
Cancer (6/21-7/22)
Your intuition is strong in September and your hunches are right on target. You asses your romantic options and make plans to travel. A workshop or seminar at a distance is a good choice. Reading and study material includes metaphysical work and spiritual journeys. Invitations come from distant places asking for you to visit. Interaction from international visitors may claim a slot on your calendar mid-month. Br sure to get estimates on contracts for pending work before Mercury retrogrades on the 27th. October brings a time for you to follow up on plans for your future security; employment venues, opportunities for advancement, and your plans for growth with your retirement funds and household funds. Check out your health insurance for ways to improve coverage and keep costs down. Halloween brings harmonious plans to interact with neighbors, siblings, and other relatives.
Leo (7/23-8/22)
September is a time when you’re ready to tackle exciting new venues. You’ll find the momentum and a green light to your interests. Friends and neighbors make life enjoyable with positive proposals, invitations, and suggestions for building rapport. At the same time, your significant other gives your psyche a boost by showing a tender, nurturing side that seals the bonds of love. It’s also a time to apply for a mortgage, home equity loan, or to purchase a vehicle. In October communication and various forms of social media grab your attention. You are making sure that your security measures are up to date. You may be buying a new computer, installing new electronic equipment to keep up with the trending technology improvements. Rocky relationships receive attention as it’s time to clear the air and discuss grievances. Paperwork for bonuses are in the works for a job and work well done. On Halloween you’ll want to enjoy the time with some special people.
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
September brings you a focus of starting a new beginning. Review your list of action items that reflect personal goals and their order of accomplishment. You have work to do in making inroads which brings adventure into your desires for change. You may enroll in a seminar or take a local class. Authority figures show appreciation with your work and you sigh with relief. You’re plans for a vacation seems to be on the horizon. Check household systems when you return home. October promises to be your busiest month of the year. Finances receive your attention as well as curbing your spending. There may be some investment in home improvement. Do your homework in researching vendors and contractors. Best to stay at home and just answer the door on Halloween.
Libra (9/23-10/22)
September brings some long distance travel over the Labor Day weekend. You will need a day to rest upon your return. The momentum will change while you’re away, and you could hear the new via a text. Don’t let the news keep you from your plans or cut your vacation short. You have the magic tough with relatives who live at a distance and people from other cultures. Stay out of organized politics because you may not have all he facts. The energies of October ask you, “How fast can you catch your breath?” Many areas that were on hold will suddenly break loose in several areas of your life. Siblings and cousins bring many phone calls, and they may be asking you to help plan a family event. Your homework pays off. Hit the sales after the 18th. The time is right for getting the deals you want. Wait twenty-four hours before signing a contract after a hard sell for appliances or home improvements.
Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
September brings the feeling of being on edge at home and with partnerships. A professional relationship matter deserves airing, but you are hesitant to speak up. Tabling the matter may buy you time, but it does little for your health. A date night at the Fall Equinox could lead to love and deeper understanding. A Pisces Full Moon is always romantic. You could travel away from home base for some formal training. Mercury retrograde on the 27th cautions you not to get carried away with plans or signing any contracts. October pulls out all the stops as three planets go direct after a five-month retrograde. Be receptive to listening and giving frustrated partners time to vent. At work, be careful about sharing details; especially if anyone is displaying full-on anger. Take a break for some fun over the Halloween weekend.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
September is a serious and focused month. Early on you enjoy relaxing with relatives that prove to be informative and leads to early Holiday plans. .You need to look closely at personal obligations and take an even closer look at tasks waiting for you to complete in the work environment. Business travel is likely at mid-month. A sense of justice and fair play arises over pending disputes. Savvy negotiations save the day. You and your partner are in sync after some tension early in the month. October’s attention is on that special someone when compatible Libra dominates the energies. You are now adapting to differences in outlook expressed by tour partner that you have never considered before. Plan a get-away so you can spend some time alone. Relatives from a distance visit at month’s end to help you had out some Halloween candy to the neighborhood kids.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19
September allows you to take some tome off over Labor Day for a much anticipated long weekend filled with fun, games and excellent dining. Cooperation hits a high note at work as everyone is on the same page and passionate about meeting goals. Siblings are planning visits and get-togethers; especially from a distance. Organizational goals are a major focus at the workplace and are tied to the competition and incentives. Financial opportunities emerge with little notice. The energies suggest that you pass on this one and do some homework before parting with your hard-earned cash. In October you’ll want to push hard to get it all done. Although it may be tempting, don’t rush to put pen to paper when challenging aspects make you question a contract, plan, or policy. Over the Halloween weekend, watch your food choices.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
In September, professional obligations and program reviews may take you away from your home base to foreign countries or to another state for temporary duty. Wonderful momentum with work partners, collaborators and bosses continues as they seek your expertise and load up your agenda with increasing obligations. The good news is that the extra assignments bring increased compensation for your performance. Your money situation is prosperous and allow for the finer things in life. October is a high action month. Sat goodbye to seemingly endless delays and hello to a month of accelerated activity with work assignments and professional contacts. A family or class reunion is planned around the 8th. Enjoy the time with cherished friends and memories/ If someone wants to argue at months end, don’t take the bait.
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
In September, when the Sun is in your opposite sign of Virgo, you often feel drained of energy. Take a vacation or visit a favorite leisure spot after the summer crowds have thinned out, so you can return with a positive outlook and golden glow. This month resonates with energy of showing appreciation for the special people who light up your life. Mid-month brings a critical time to show the higher-ops you’ve got what it takes to run a project successfully. Accolades come to you when your spirit outshines the competition. If only they knew about your ESP! October brings freedom from the slow-paced gridlock as three planets turn direct. Bosses and projects are excited and moving forward successfully. It’s a busy time for you. Unconditional love affects the household, as members look out for one another. Stay away from shopping at month’s end when bargains are hard to find and ATM’s run out of cash.
Elizabeth Joyce is a modern day mystic, author, and Master Spiritual Teacher/Healer through the Grace of God. She transmits this pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She is a popular, gifted speaker on the unknown mysteries, higher realities, and higher wisdom. Many of her accurate successes have been documented through national media. Website: Listen to Elizabeth Joyce Sunday evenings, 10:00 PM Eastern and 9:00 PM Central at Station 1, on
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