Astrological Forecast for September 2023
by Lou Valentino
We have an interesting dance going on with planets in September. Some planets are moving forward from a retrograde period like Venus and Mercury, with Jupiter, the planet that likes to enjoy life to the fullest turning retrograde.
The Summer of 2023 is coming to an end by September 23rd for all of us beach lovers here in New England. With what we have seen over the summer regarding natural disasters and excessive heat, New England feels much more balanced.
Venus has been retrograde since July 23rd in the sign of Leo and stations direct on September 4th, a day before Labor Day.
If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Leo, you have been going through an evaluation period of what brings most joy in your life and may have felt less sociable which is not common with the ever-needing attention of the Lion.
Since Venus is affiliated with attracting abundance and beauty, you may have found yourself not having enough money to do the things you wanted to this past summer or buy the things you wanted too. A time of balancing out the financial account.
When Venus stations direct you feel as if you can move forward with all the inner work you have done. Slow steps until Venus moves out of its retrograde shadow on October 7th. This is when you feel things are getting back to normal.
The fixed signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius may have been feeling the same way at a lesser degree with Venus retrograde sometimes in square to the other fixed signs or opposing them. Stress and balance are the result and feeling things even more if Venus was conjunct, right-on top, of one of your planets in Leo.
Venus direct will ease the pain and make you feel like you want to fly into a new life around October 7th and beyond.
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion will station retrograde on September 4th, Labor Day, at (10:10AM EDT) at 15 degrees of Taurus and this helps those with Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Taurus to curb back on financial investments and stop spending so much money on themselves. It’s time to get serious and stop partying all the time. LOL…. Credit card debt is at an all-time high in the world.
This kind of feels like the Venus retrograde period since Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. Jupiter likes to have a good time like Sagittarius and Leo.
With Jupiter retrograde there is more expansion from within from one’s faith in God or spiritual practices like sitting quietly in meditation. A time for renewed inner subjective experiences rather than objective financial gains.
Jupiter will not station direct till December 31st, the last day of 2023 at 5 degrees of Taurus. This time period also indicates troubles on Wall Street so be more conservative with investments. Financial gains during the Fall season will be limited and Americans will be more concerned, as they have been, as to where inflation is going to take them. The real-estate market will be slow moving but still steady progress in the fall season but pick up again at a faster pace in the late winter and spring seasons.
The new Moon in Virgo at 21 degrees on September 14th, continues to put a spotlight on the sign of Virgo for new beginnings. If you have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Virgo, you have been busy putting your lives back in order with Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, in retrograde motion from August 23rd till September 15th, stationing direct a day after this new Moon.
From September 14th till the full Moon on September 29th, the sign of Virgo is moving forward with any areas of their life that seemed stuck. They may have been questioning their directions in life both personally and professionally over the Mercury retrograde period.
Anything that was holding them back during the retrograde period of Mercury will move forward and its full steam ahead around September 29th when Mercury moves out of its shadow.
Health would have also been a main area of attention for Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The mutable signs. All these signs may have used the Mercury retrograde period to get back on track with their health.
Mercury stations direct on September 15th in Virgo a day after the new Moon in Virgo on the 14th as mentioned and the new Moon has no hard aspects with plenty of trines, the wind at your back, to fulfill desires. This is a wonderful new beginning for the mutable signs, especially Virgo and Pisces. Things seem to fall in your lap from the 14th to the 29th of September.
UN International Day of Peace is on September 21st and on September 23rd, the Sun moves into the sign of Libra, initiating the Fall Equinox at (2:50AM EDT).
Libra wants peace but September is a vulnerable month for world peace from September 14th till the full Moon in Aries on September 29th in the warrior sign of Aries at 6 degrees.
This could indicate a turning point in the Ukraine and Russia war with some hope around the new Moon of peace talks only being disrupted again by dishonesty and aggression. I see troubles for Putin this month. Big troubles come from some of his own soldiers/people.
The reason why I say this is the full Moon chart has two T-squares with Mercury and Neptune involved square to the MC in the sign of Gemini. Lots of talk about peace, Mercury, and Gemini, but deceptive Neptune that clouds the outcomes.
However, we do have the Sun, Mars and South Noce in Libra giving hope for peace through negotiations with a grand trine, easy flowing energies, between Uranus, Pluto, and the rising sign of Virgo.
The signs that are feeling most stressed from the full Moon on September 29th till the new Moon on October 14th are the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces but the outcome looks good.
For the signs mentioned, this full Moon brings a sense of calm and peace but at the same time some tensions still with vocational direction and health. Faith in a higher power is increased so do turn to spiritual and religious life for faith and support of nature. You will get it, but you need to ask and then act on making your situations better.
Aries acts with courage and they enjoy going on a new adventure. If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Aries, you are feeling very active and full of life. Know when to settle down so you are not too forceful with your words and actions.
The North Node has just moved into the sign of Aries, so this sign benefits the most from this full Moon to grow and expand, North Node, in the things they have always wanted to do in their lives.
The weather patterns will start to calm down for September regarding heat waves and fires as the cooler temperatures move in. This fall season here in New England will be one of the brightest colors ever from all the rain we received in July.
Surround yourself with beautiful colors and decree the rainbow colors to activate your spiritual energy centers (Chakras). What a great time to be alive as humanity is waking up more and more to the reality that is hidden deep within and in nature.
My kindle book “Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadians” has over 80 pages of information on the new life we are all inheriting available on Amazon by putting the title in the search engine.
Go to my Utube videos by putting, Utube “Louis Valentino” in the search engine. I’m not the radio guy so scroll down a few headings, and you will find me.
Wishing everyone a wonderful September and a magical Fall season.
Blessings, Louis Valentino
Lou Valentino has been giving astrological consultations for over 30 years in both Western and Vedic. Go to for all of his services. You can call him at 860-440-8610 to set up an appointment or have questions about any of his services. Join him on Facebook by sending a friend request to Louis Thomas Valentino for continued updated astrological information.
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