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Homeopathy for Summer Bumps, Bites and Burns

by Claudia Regojo

Hardly anyone makes it through summer without getting sunburn, insect bites, bumps, scrapes, cuts, or indigestion from too much food and drink. But, with a small homeopathic medicine kit, you can often care for those ailments and discomforts as they happen.

Every year our extended family goes camping in the woods near the entrance to the Boundary Waters of Minnesota. We meet up with longtime friends and spend a week along a beautiful lake where we swim, canoe, hike, and unwind in a sauna. My kids love it because they get more freedom; I love it because I get to relax. With all the fun, though, come the inevitable summer emergencies. That’s why I always have my homeopathic medicine kit ready.

Insect Bites

Summer is synonymous with mosquitos. As soon as dusk arrives, the tiny vampires come out of hiding in swarms. We avoid them by having our happy hour in the fully screened boathouse. Mosquitos, however, are not that easily avoided, and they do get us from time to time.

The best homeopathic medicine for mosquito (and tick) bites is Ledum palustre. Ledum palustre is also an important remedy for puncture wounds caused by stings, bites, thorns or nails. It is most useful when the affected area is swollen, cold to the touch, and mottled or blue.

Given immediately, Ledum often stops any discomfort. But if pain starts shooting from a bite, then Hypericum can help. One more note on mosquito bites: If they burn and itch intensely, Caladium can often soothe them.

If the problem is a wasp or bee sting, the resulting welt may feel hot rather than cold. In these cases, the best remedy is Apis mellifica. Made from a honeybee, Apis mellifica is the best choice when the sting is hot, red, itchy, angry and relieved by cold applications.

Apis and Carbolic acid are good emergency treatments when someone has an extreme allergic reaction to a wasp or bee sting called anaphylaxis. Many people who are aware of such allergies carry epinephrine pens for injection in case of emergency. For someone having an extreme allergic reaction, you should seek immediate medical help when necessary.

For the inflamed and nasty swellings that may follow gnat bites, Cantharis can quickly cure the problem. And for those living in southern states, Cantharis is also a great remedy for the burning associated with fire ant bites.


Insect bites are not the only summer bummer. A nasty sunburn can wreak havoc on a family vacation. For minor sunburns that sting, Apis is once again useful. For sunburns accompanied by red skin, a gradual onset of high fever, a flushed red face, and hot, clammy skin, Belladonna works best.

Belladonna can also help reduce throbbing headaches and other symptoms associated with prolonged sun exposure.

For burns that blister and that are sensitive to touch, Cantharis often proves useful.

Scrapes, Cuts, and Bruises

When children roam freely, they often experience scrapes, cuts, and bruises. Arnica montana is one of the most useful remedies to have around for these minor injuries. Arnica is said to be the top selling homeopathic remedy around the world. Hailed as the homeopathic aspirin, Arnica is also known for its success in reducing pain, swelling and bruising resulting from more serious issues such as surgery or falls.

Calendula officinalis is another good remedy for minor cuts and abrasions. It is often available as a cream or ointment. Prepared from the marigold flower, homeopathic Calendula can help minimize the likelihood of infection, reduce bleeding, speed up healing, and soothe irritated skin. One other great benefit of Calendula: It is useful in healing blisters resulting from uncomfortable shoes.


Sharing good food with friends and family can sometimes lead us to overindulge. When this happens, the remedy Nux vomica can bring relief. It helps reduce heartburn, upset stomach, nausea and even alleviates irritability associated with overeating. For adults who have too much alcohol to drink, Nux vomica is used as a hangover cure.

Sometimes the food we bring outdoors can get too warm under the sun and spoil. When that happens, food poisoning can occur. Fortunately, the remedy Arsenicum album can help. Arsenicum album is indicated when there is diarrhea after eating food that has turned bad. Those experiencing liquid stools, vomiting, exhaustion, restlessness, and anxiety can often benefit from this remedy.

Safe, effective and easy to take

Homeopathic remedies are safe, effective and easy to take. These remedies can be found at most local health food stores. The potency is listed on the container or box. For all the ailments mentioned in this article a potency of 30C or 200C is sufficient.

You may take a dose of a remedy every 15 to 30 minutes for the first hour, especially for more serious injuries. Then continue taking a dose once hourly for two to four more hours depending on how your condition progresses. As soon as you start feeling better, stop taking the remedy even if it is after one dose. Of course, if the injury is extremely serious or persists without improving, you should seek professional help.

Adding a homeopathic remedy kit for summer emergencies to your packing list is a good choice when preparing for vacation. As useful as band-aids and sunblock are, homeopathic remedies come in handy when treating bug bites, burns, indigestion and much more. So whether you’re camping or cruising or traveling overseas, you can feel secure that you have what you need for a healthy and smooth trip.

Claudia Regojo is a homeopathic consultant and wellness coach. She recently served as administrative director for Homeopaths Without Borders. She may be reached at claudia.regojo@gmail.com

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