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Alternatives For Healing

Using Homeopathy to Heal Burns

by Mike Swain

Burns and scalds come from a variety of sources: fire, hot surfaces, scalds, chemicals, electrical wires and plugs, and overexposure to the sun. Homeopathy can help soothe and heal many superficial burns which can actually be the most painful. Relief of pain associated with these burns can come surprisingly quickly. These cases of speedy relief are some of the best examples of the ability a homeopathic remedies to stimulate the body’s healing response.

Serious burns, often called third-degree burns which involve extensive damage to tissue, require emergency medical care and medical follow-up. But if it is possible to give homeopathic medicines initially and in conjunction with ongoing medical treatment, this can aid in the recovery of such patients. See information on Cantharis below.

Here are some general tips for treating burns:

1. Remove rings or other tight items quickly and gently before the burned area swells.

2. Don't break blisters since they protect against infection. If a blister breaks, clean the area with water. You may also use a mild soap.

3. Anyone with severe burns should take fluids to prevent dehydration. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a pint of water.

4. Don’t smear greasy ointment on a burn. If the burn is severe, the doctor may have to remove the ointment to treat the burn which will be very painful.

5. For persons in shock, give a dose of Arnica immediately. If a person is extremely fearful, a dose of Aconite will soothe her.

The Remedies

Several remedies can assist in helping with recovery from burns. Which remedy you use will depend on your complete symptom picture:

Cantharis works well when your pain is burning and raw. This makes it one of the best remedies for burns. Cantharis relieves severe pain and helps to promote healing. Take orally in a 200C potency.

In addition you may apply a solution of Cantharis dissolved in water of any potency and cover the burned area with sterilized gauze; this will promptly relieve pain and often prevent blisters from forming. (A solution can be made by dissolving several pellets in a bottle of water. In all cases when using homeopathic solutions, if a rash develops, simply discontinue use and wash with a little soap and water).

Another indication for the use of Cantharis is irritation and pain in the eyes after a burn or chemical exposure. Give the remedy every 15 minutes until improvement is noticed. Repeat as needed if the pain returns.

Urtica urens, made from stinging nettles, is another remedy that can give almost instant relief of pain and rapid healing in burns. Administer it internally in 200C potency and then soak a dressing with a solution of water and Urtica urens. You can make the solution by dropping two to three pellets into a few ounces of water and shaking the container before using. If the dressing sticks, you may leave it on so as not to interfere with healing. Just moisten it well from time to time with Urtica solution. The dressing will drop off as healing takes place.

(If you like making home remedies, you can make an infusion of Urtica by pouring boiling water on stinging nettles and then steep a clean cloth in the infusion and use the cloth to cover the burn.)

Margaret Tyler, a doctor in England during World War II, reported attending to “one small boy who came up with terrible scars and contractions on his thigh, and with considerable areas still ulcerated. These began to heal rapidly when compresses of Urt-u were applied.”

Causticum works for pain that is raw and sore. This makes it effective for first and second degree burns and scalds. It also works on scars, especially from burns that become inflamed and sore again and when patients say they have never been well since being burned. Patients who will benefit from Causticum also exhibit poor healing, ulceration, and even atrophy of burnt limbs. Causticum is effective in treating children who stop growing after a severe burn.

Arsenicum album is another excellent burn remedy. Patients who can benefit from this remedy often exhibit extreme weakness and exhaustion which may seem out of proportion to severity of the injury. These patients can become restless, chilly, and thirsty (but often only for small sips). Their burning pains are often relieved by warmth.

If the person has third-degree burns, give Cantharis orally only and get immediate medical attention. After emergency treatment, if the health care provider agrees, you can use another remedy, Calendula, orally and also topically in solution to promote healing and reduce scarring. You can make a solution yourself by dropping two to three pellets into a few ounces of water and shaking the container. You may also use Calendula lotions found at many natural health stores.

For severe sunburns, Cantharis is the first remedy to consider. Causticum and Arsenicum album are also good sunburn remedies if the symptoms described above are present. In addition to a homeopathic remedy, I have used colloidal silver topically which helped the burn heal quickly and without blistering. You can put the colloidal silver in a spray bottle and spray it on or moisten a cloth and lightly dab it on.

For electrical burns giving Phosphorus two or three times daily for several days is the medicine of choice.

Chemical burns need to be treated right away. Remove any clothing around the burn and flush it profusely with water. Then, look for the remedy that most closely follows the symptoms of the person burned.

Calendula is homeopathy’s great antiseptic. In the later stages of healing, it helps keep burns with broken skin or broken blisters from becoming infected. Apply Calendula lotion (or a solution you make with water as discussed above) two to three times daily and cover with a clean bandage. In fact, Calendula is a wonderful remedy for any open wound.

Homeopathic medicines offer a wide array of choices to help heal burns of many types and levels of severity. They can aid healing when used by themselves or in conjunction with conventional medical treatments whenever burns require medical attention.

Mike Swain is a practicing certified classical homeopath, chair of the board for the Council for Homeopathic Certification, and managing editor of the Homeopathy Writers Group. He may be reached at mkeswn@yahoo.com

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