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June 2024 Psychic Messages and Insights for the Fire, Water, Air and Earth Signs

by Elissa Heyman

Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: You care about your connection with the spiritual world more than usual…you’re more focused on it. There can be reparations that need to be made in different ways to stabilize your finances and whatever it is that secures you. Decisions about it and perhaps changing arrangements feel imminent. Just make sure it feels in your guts like you’re doing the right thing, backed up by evidence - as much as there is which may not be a lot. New opportunity shows up in September…good luck!

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: You want to dig deeper. Your emotional nature is in an investigating and exploring phase. It’s a good time to delve deep into mysterious subjects. Being aware of other people and their inner dynamics is helpful and healing for you. In the material world, it’s time to take care of all loose ends and arrangements you need to make; financial docs in order, etc.

Air, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: Big changes ahead! New frontiers, and also new battles to fight. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Make a schedule about self=care so it’s included – it’s easy to let healthy routines slide! Make sure to keep appointments with yourself – nobody is more important.

Earth, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Are you getting tired of doing the same thing? Schedule something impromptu!. Being someone who is aware of your surroundings, it’s very helpful to put yourself in beautiful environments. It helps with your mood, your productivity, your imagination, and your love for life. Indulge in nature! If you’re trying to start a business, it’s slow going but business activity picks up the last couple of weeks in June.

Elissa Heyman is a psychic counselor and healer based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in professional practice since 1979. She works from her Plaza area office with both groups and individuals, and consults by phone with clients anywhere. For booking information or to read Elissa’s monthly prediction and psychic guidance newsletter, please visit www.elissaheyman.com or call 505-982-3294. New: 3 day intuition workshop, October 12-14.

Elissa Heyman

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