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Astrological Forecast for July 2024

by Lou Valentino

July starts off with celebrations. Happy Birthday America.

America was born under the sign of Cancer. The qualities of patriotism, family, nurturing children, feeding others, hospitality work, restaurant owners, real estate or where you call home, bodies of water and the sign most affiliated with Mother.

Take advantage of my July 4th sale on all my astrological services by visiting my website www.yogavisionaries.com Sale ends at midnight on July 5th.

We have Neptune stationing retrograde on July 2nd in the sign of Pisces till December 7, 2024. That’s a long time for an already inner reflective sign to be taking a vacation from life’s responsibilities.

Neptune allows a deeper experience via meditation, development of psychic intuition and offers more compassion to a world that is so hard and aggressive.

If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Pisces, you are more reflective about life that allows you to know who is being superficial and who is genuine in their motivations. You can’t be fooled by others who pretend to be authentic.

It’s a wonderful time for the fish to swim in deep waters and get to the calm and more peaceful levels of the ocean floor. Away from the ocean tides and at times, rough waves that can suck you dry.

However, the vitality levels will diminish so don’t be too concerned about this Pisces, just allow yourself the need rest so by the end of 2024 you are clear, vital, to accomplish all your dreams.

Mercury enters the sign of Leo from July 2nd till July 26th. If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Leo, you are more productive in your communication skills. This is a great time for musicians and entertainers to please their audiences.

If you want to communicate something important to your boss or a romantic partner, this is a great time where you are heard. Mercury is not retrograde till August so take advantage of clear communications being on the Lion’s side.

The new Moon on July 5th is in the sign of Cancer at 14 degrees (6:57PM EDT). If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Cancer, you are starting to put attentions on issues in the house or houses that are ruled by this moody, sensitive, but caring sign.

Look to your birth chart to see where the sign of Cancer is active, and this will give you an idea of what issues are front and center for you that you want to start to explore till the full Moon on July 21st.

The crab tends to sidestep issues that require more direct attention especially when it comes to relationships. They let fear get in the way of their growth at times. Start off on the right foot and allow yourself to be relaxed and direct, so the fear does not outweigh the move. Too many changes can cause your nerves to be unsettled. Take some time with your family at the beach or near a lake to calm your nerves down.

There is a Yod (Finger of God) in this new Moon chart and the eye of this Yod is the sign of Sagittarius. This shows international tensions as Sagittarius rules foreign lands, languages, and long-distance travel.

Mars sextile to Venus in this Yod offers opportunities for the signs of Cancer and Taurus. New doors will open but the changes that need to be made may feel in conflict with one another and these signs mentioned may feel stuck.

The World Food Bank is stuck with other organizations that have been trying to get food delivered to starving people all around the world.

This new Moon offers opportunities to feed others based on an emergency (Yod) of so many children and parents who need to eat or they will die. Whatever has been in the way of getting food to people is being exposed.

Those leaders who will not allow foods to enter areas in need will be called out and their political careers in the international communities starving will be held accountable. Sagittarius rules the higher courts.

Venus moves into Leo on July 11th, and we already have Mercury in Leo, so this combination is wonderful for enjoying life. Celebration is in the air for those who have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Leo.

Venus will remain in Leo till August 5th. This could be a time when your romantic life picks up if you are single or deepens an already existing one. A wonderful time to have a gathering with family and friends.

Venus can also attract more abundance for the sign of Leo. Leo loves to spend money on themselves so they will need to be careful not to overspend and regret it later. The fashion industry will be busy with this combination as well as musicians, actors, photographers, painters, and all forms of art as creativity is high.

I have Uranus and Moon in Leo and will have an interview on “Together WE Seek” podcast July 17th at Noon EDT. Go to (220) Together We Seek - Spiritual Growth - YouTube interviewed by jjDigeronimo who is an author and spiritual teacher. It will be like no interview on so many current podcasts show interviews with lots of latest information from my book “Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadians.”

Mars will enter Gemini on July 20th, and this gives Gemini’s the ability to manifest just about anything they want in life till September 5th. Of all the zodiac signs, Gemini has the best of luck in the summer of 2024.

The reasons are Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, is in the sign of Gemini till June 2025, so this combined Mars energy with Jupiter can move mountains. If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Gemini, you are ready to dance on the sky and clouds.

Look to your birth chart or solar return chart to see which houses Gemini rules and whatever areas of life are connected to that house will have luck on their side.

The full Moon in July is Guru Purnima Day. This happens on July 21st in the sign of Capricorn at 29 degrees. (6:17AM) EDT.

This is the day all around the world that devotees ask their chosen spiritual teacher to fulfill desires they want to manifest. There are no tensions in this full Moon so divine grace is at hand.

You can also make intentions for others who need help fulfilling their wants and needs. Signs most supported are Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, and Taurus.

Pluto conjuncts the Moon and part of fortune is opposing the Sun in Cancer on this full Moon Day. Pluto represents transformation. Letting go of the old and embracing the new. The part of fortune helps to mitigate the dark quality of Pluto.

The energy of Capricorn started on the last full Moon in June at 1 degree and now in July it completes itself at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Whatever house or houses are ruled by Capricorn will show what issues you started to compete in June that still need additional attention by this full Moon in July.

If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Capricorn, you are working overtime to support your family (Moon) at a time when the Sun is still traveling through the sign of Cancer in its final 29 degrees. Family security is at the top of your list. Try not to overwork as this can lead to health issues and you need to be healthy to accomplish anything with your work.

July 22nd, the Sun moves into the sign of Leo at (3:44AM EDT). Leo and Cancer are the most active energy, besides Capricorn, in the month of July as we still have Mercury and Venus in Leo at the time the Sun enters Leo.

Happy Birthday to the sign of Leo. There will be lots of live concerts from your favorite artists to go too.

We will see the hot temperatures remain active in July and August with continued natural disasters as Pluto moves though Aquarius in retrograde motion till September 1st and then it’s back in Capricorn again. Yikes. Talk about a political nightmare waiting to happen.

Pray for the world and Mother Earth. These days are not easy for some people in America and around the world. Send needed compassion and light.

Go to my YouTube channel (220) Louis Valentino - YouTube to hear about the exact dates for U.F.O. contact. This is when the real changes everyone has been talking about over the YouTube channels will happen.

We have another year before things really start to change for planet Earth. I mean substantial changes, not all the talk about changes with minor change.

Lou Valentino has been giving astrological consultations for over 30 years. Go to his website www.yogavisionaries.com for his current sale running till midnight July 5th. He is the author of “Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadians” U.F.O. contact “2024 to 2044”. Available on Amazon.com  To set up an appointment call 860-440-8610. Blessings, Lou.

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