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Find Your Clear Spot

by Eve Wilson

Your most valuable gift during this time of great change and world uncertainty is your own true inner guidance. When anxious, upset, or worried, people are inclined to look outside of themselves for wisdom. However, your clearest source for that will always be within, though working through emotions, judgments, and fears to access inner clarity takes practice. In this article I will try to guide you through obvious pitfalls and give you a good chance of getting to your own clear spot for intuitive guidance.

Getting Clear:

1 – Breathe and center within your wholeness like a tree and open your heart to receive the flow of unconditionally loving life through your roots below and your branches above into your wholeness of body and aura. This will become easier as we continue our work.

2 – (This may sound strange, but it works – try it!) Turn around inside yourself, then wrap your spiritual arms around your human self and hold yourself. Let the love that is flowing through your “tree” from above and below flow through your body and soul . Breathe and hold yourself, allowing stress to clear. You will feel stress filled emotions and thoughts leaving through the top and bottom of your body and aura and through your open heart. You may cry, this is okay, just allow it.

3 – Holding this hug, you can begin excavating through the reactions to get to the clear spot.

- Identify with your open heart and unconditional love that is flowing through you.

- Inquire of yourself about the challenge you face and how you feel about it.

- Allow your reactions to rise up within you. Pay attention to them, but don’t act on them yet.

- If your reaction is fear, anger, or shame, hold yourself and let it release through open heart and through your tree up and down.

- If your reaction is blame, hatred, jealousy, judgmental, needy, that you aren’t good enough…or any other negative emotion or belief, continue to hold the hug and allow that to release.

- None of those are true, but they are natural instinctual responses to the human experience in the world as it has been throughout history. These are the layers of old baggage you are excavating through to get to your clear spot. Don’t act on any of those or any other toxic thought or feeling!

4 – Keep working until you reach a calmer, more centered place. Until you feel cleansed of most of that old reactivity. Once there, begin this next phase:

- Re-orient facing the front of yourself. Ground and center like a tree.

- Pay attention to your open heart and your belly/solar plexus area.

- Settle in, breathe and invite your Inner Wisdom, which is your true, eternal spiritual self, present within your body, to guide you in your life. And particularly within the circumstance(s) you are focused on during this work.

- Inner Wisdom is present within your whole self, and most easily accessed through open heart and solar plexus once you have gotten to your clear spot.

- Ask within your belly and open heart for guidance with your circumstance.

- If you get answers which are fearful, judgmental, or spiteful do some more work with step #3

5 – As you receive answers, sit with them. Let your mind relax and your feelings respond to the ideas.

- You may still be working through some layers of reaction if things feel in any way sticky, angry, or hopeless. Work more with #3 if needed.

- When your answers feel flowing, strong but kind you are on the right track.

- When your heart feels open, calm, and loving you have found your answer.

- Sometimes the answer feels hard to do, but strong and right.

6 – Whatever your insight, sit with it until you feel clear, or work more if needed.

- Note to yourself: Remember to be open to deeper understanding that will come over time.

- It could take a day or more for your higher conscious and unconscious to sort out the particulars and provide you with the clearest direction available.

- Once you feel clear on your direction, make note of that.

- Sometimes you may not know what exactly your guidance is. But you will feel confidence in your inner clarity that in each moment you will respond appropriately.

- Following through on your guidance will build a relationship of trust between your human self and your Inner Wisdom. Next time it will be easier to get your answers and with practice it will become natural. But when the stakes are high and your reactions are strong, you will still need to excavate through them to find your clear spot within.

Learn about healing and ascension at www.spiritualhealers.com . There you will find support for your journey through Eve Wilson’s International award-winning Weekly Word Blog, Healing and Ascension Monthlies Classes, Healing Treatments and so much more. A Best-Selling Author, Eve teaches people to merge with their Higher Self to co-create the new world, heal, and ascend and help our world ascend to be more sane and joyful.

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