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Astrological Forecast for August 2024

by Lou Valentino

I don’t know where to start for the month of August as the spotlight shines on the roaring Lion of Leo, community grassroots organization of Aquarius and the humble shy sign of Virgo. Pisces and Libra are also active in some ways.

A new Moon in the sign of Leo on August 3rd, 2024, at 12 degrees (7:13AM EDT) starts August off strong.

If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Leo, you are starting off August with new beginnings, new Moon, in the areas of your life represented by the house that is ruled by Leo in your birth natal chart.

I have my Moon conjunct Uranus in Leo in the 2nd house of self-worth and financial gains so a turn of events (Uranus) that I was not expecting will help me attract abundance in my life or an unexpected bill comes in that I forgot about.

Leo rules children, entertainment, romance, speculation, and gambling as well as politics.

This starts off the month of August with major concerts and summer festivals. Creative energies are high so if you are creating music, love going out to eat, seeing or acting in a theatre play, basking in the Sun at the beach, all these types of experiences are on the menu for August.

Venus moves into Virgo on August 3rd so those of you with the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Virgo can attract abundance into your lives and start new beginnings in the areas of your life which show up in the house that Virgo rules.

Virgo enjoys cleanliness, unless the Sun or other planets are afflicted, and they pay attention to details. Health issues may be in the spotlight as Virgo is the healer in the Zodiac and most individuals with Virgo energy engage in health in one way or another.

Venus in Virgo runs till August 29th and could also attract romance for Virgo’s if they are single and looking for a partner. If already involved with someone, it brings more joy into the relationship.

Mercury stations retrograde on August 5th at 4 degrees of Virgo and stations direct on August 28th at 21 degrees of Leo.

So far, we can see that Leo and Virgo are getting lots of attention for most of August.

Mercury retrograde is feared by most, but it does allow a more inner reflective energy that is wonderful for planning and being more practical for the signs of Leo and Virgo. Re-thinking life over a bit so you are ready to move into September with clear plans.

Mercury will move into the sign of Leo on August 14th and Politics gets heated up for the Democratic National Convention from August 19 to the 22nd. These dates are in the very depth of the Mercury retrograde period in the political sign of politics, Leo, the leader shines forth.

The new Moon on August 5th shows major changes but not a lot of stress since there is only one Yod (Finger of God) that shows adjustments happening for both parties starting on August 5th.

Yod’s are three signs and planets that have nothing in common. Sounds like the two candidates running for President. Like oil and water trying to mix.

However, the train wreck of tension in the full Moon chart on August 19th, the first day of the DNC, sounds off alarming bells of protesting and a need for serious security to protect the conventions from security issues. Let’s pray this convention runs smoothly.

Mercury in its deepest retrograde in Leo combined with 11 T-squares with a Gemini signature. Mercury rules Gemini.

Communication breakdowns, delays, things said taken out of context, technological disruptions are all a part of this signature. If the Democrats asked me for astrology advice on when to have the DNC, this would have been my last choice of time.

Most of the tension is between the signs of Gemini, Pisces, and Virgo so if you have planets in these signs you are going through tensions that may not get resolved till Mercury moves out of its shadow on September 12th.

The full Moon on August 19th in Aquarius at 27 degrees (2:26PM EDT), shows elevated level of emotional energy. If there are protesters, it will be a large group and could cause security issues as law enforcement could get involved to calm things down.

Aquarius energy kicks in till the end of August. If you have the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Aquarius on either side of the 27 degrees, the issues in your life surrounding transformation, Pluto in Aquarius, is part of the Yod in this full Moon chart.

The Sun in Leo is at the eye of the Yod which also involves Neptune in Pisces. The signs of Aquarius, Leo, and Pisces are making adjustments, Yod, on this full Moon that can allow them to make changes in their lives they never would have thought possible.

Yod’s can also indicate being in the right place at the right time. The eye of this Yod, Sun in Leo, lands in Kamala Harris third house of communications conjunct her Mars in Leo. She will be on fire during this DNC. Send light and love to protect her from any form of violence.

Former President Trump also has this Yod’s eye in Leo conjunct his Mars and rising in Leo. BOTH candidates are trying to adjust in their political campaigns during and after the DNC convention. Kamala Harris has her birth Moon in Aries and loves a good fight. Much different than Hillary Clinton who was a passive contender.

Send love and light to BOTH candidates during the month of August especially from August 19th till September 1st, 2024. A week before the 19th also as the Moon will be waxing and attentions from various groups will start to manifest BEFORE the convention and full Moon date.

This is a month when weather patterns can get ugly and with the full Moon on August 19th having so many tensions, it could be the weather patterns that delay the DNC. People trying to get to the convention should listen to the weather reports for unstable weather patterns.

The Sun moves into the healing sign of Virgo on August 22nd, the last day of the DNC, adding some needed humble energies to calm things down.

Happy Birthday to those born under the sign of Virgo.

Mercury continues its deep retrogration till it stations direct on August 28th in the sign of Leo and moves back into Virgo on September 9th and out of its retrograde shadow on September 12th.

Parents and children are starting to think about going back to school at this time and it becomes an enjoyable experience as Venus moves into the peacemaking sign of Libra on August 29th, a day after Mercury stations direct.

This Venus transit helps those with planets in Libra. Beauty, balance, justice, creative abilities, romance are all increased with Venus moving into Libra. Venus feels most comfortable in Taurus or Libra, the signs that are ruled by Venus.

Venus will remain in Libra till September 22nd.

There is a lot of purification that could happen from mother nature in the second half of August so keep up your spiritual practices to help balance the laws of nature and avert the danger before it arises.

With all the information mentioned, it may be a blessing for the DNC to move their convention to the last week of August to escape the full Moon, T-squares, Yod that can cause all kinds of security issues.

America is on the move for changes, and we have the best two candidates to allow America to decide which direction it wants to move to.

Please tune into the podcast, “Together we Seek” as JJ Digeronimo interviews me about my kindle book “Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadians” U.F.O. contact “2024 to 2044”. Go to Pleiadian Messages on New Earth AFTER Contact "2024 to 2044" Part 1 (youtube.com)

Wishing everyone a magical August. Get to the beach and be near the water to sooth your nerves and enjoy family and friends. Eat lots of tasty food and be thankful for all you have.

Lou Valentino has been giving astrological consultations for over 30 years in both Western and Vedic astrology. Go to www.yogavisionaries.com for all his services. You can order his kindle book on Amazon.com by putting the title in the search engine.

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