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Your Horoscope for August 2024

by Elizabeth Joyce

Aries (3/21-4/20)

The August New Moon in Leo promises adventure and romance. Use the first few days in August for a quick get-away vacation. If you’re refinancing your home, the best day to show it is on the 11th. It will show its best assets and score well. The third Mercury retrograde begins on August 5th through 28th. Use the time to edit reports and clear the clutter. Travel could be difficult on the 14th. Your social calendar will be full throughout August.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)

It’s best in August to plan your vacation time after the 29th, when Mercury comes out of retrograde. Make your new vehicle choice after assessing the cost of keeping it on the road, gas mileage advantage, and the cost of fuel. Again, never purchase a car, computer, or other vehicle during Mercury retrograde. The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th could make your staff at work tired and cranky as well as late to work. Don’t schedule any morning meetings..

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

As August opens you feel centered and organized. However, Mercury retrogrades in Virgo on the 5th through the 28th, throwing in a few curve balls. A sibling or family member comes to town for a long-planned family event. The time spent is precious bonding time. Your luck continues this month when a lottery scratch-off card brings you a surprising win. Tour household tranquility mat be disrupted when Mercury is retrograde because of some missing important papers. They’ll turn up before month’s end.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

August brings balance to your money and social life, Cancer. Your partner will sing your praises if you devote at least one full day to chores both inside and out around the house. The Leo New Moon promises to be a positive time to purchase materials and supplies for that home project. Say yes to an invitation from a member of your business network on the 25th. Be sure to ask many questions regarding leads on emerging business opportunities. Tempting summer clearance sales lure shoppers in your area at month’s end.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

Mercury goes retrograde on August 5th in Virgo through the 28th. Be on top of schedule changes, missing information, and confusing or lost messages. Postpone signing any important documents. You could hear from people out of the past or someone unexpectedly; siblings, cousins, neighbors, students, co-workers, or even your children’s teacher. Get ready for a visit from relatives who live a long distance away. The last week in August indicated a flurry of activity from the management team looking for dates to schedule key meetings in September,

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Venus is in Virgo for most of August, adding a lightness to your step with your partner and family members, Also, Mercury retrogrades in your sign through August 28th. You and some neighbors shop for supplies for a community event mid-month. If you’re single, a new neighbor could find you attractive and is eager to exchange contact information. Your partner has an emotional setback when Mercury is retrograde. Be gentle and take the time to find the root of the problem. Accept the request at work to interview possible candidates for vacant positions at work at month’s end.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

The Leo New Moon in August expands the scope of your projects through cooperation with other people who are deeply interested in positive results. Take a breather from an intense schedule over the weekend. While on vacation, bond with your significant other on the 23rd when the Moon is in Aries in your house of partnership. A business trip may be postponed with Mercury retrograde. Postpone it until after Labor Day.

Scorpio (10/23-11/22)

Mercury retrogrades in Virgo on August 5th through the 28th. Expect your group projects at work to have questions, confusion, and slow down during this time. Based on your hectic work schedule, it could be August 25th before you and your partner can enjoy some time and a day together. Keep your eye on prices while shopping and don’t pay extra without looking around at month’s end.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

The New Moon in Leo on August 4th beckons you to start packing for a refreshing getaway. Early in the month you’ll hear from long-distance relatives looking to hook up with you for a visit. Friends invite you to join them for enjoyment at a museum, state park, or an historic site mid-month. Your natural gambling streak surfaces at just the right time on the 23rd, winning a small lottery windfall. You receive recognition at work for your outstanding recommendations at month’s end.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

August’s activity centers around socializing, good relationships and harmony with your management team along with balance and peace in the home. Your romantic partner claims most of your attention with sporting events and summer fun. Avoid heavy spend while Mercury is retrograde. You could be throwing your hard-earned money away on inferior items. You tap into savings for a big ticket item after the 28th, when Mercury turns direct.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Mercury retrogrades between August 5th and 28th in your 8th House. Stay current on financial transactions, loans, interest rate increases, taxes, and payment details. Don’t sign any important papers until after Labor Day weekend. Entertain neighbors, including those who have recently moved into the area at month’s end.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

The love planet Venus occupies your opposite sign Virgo for most of August. This could sent a new love and lots of romantic vibes your way. Visitors arrive mid-month to tour local venues and parks with a swimming pool or lake. At work, newly purchased equipment is part of the transition to a more efficient operating system. Make sure to schedule employee training after Labor Day, to make sure Mercury is finally direct. Some seemingly harsh words can bring misunderstandings as Mercury comes out of retrograde on the 28th. This is nit unexpected with the energy present. Pause and be sure to clarify your meaning to the other party involved.

Elizabeth Joyce, a Clairvoyant Psychic, Natural Healer, Tarot Reader, Metaphysical Teacher, Author, and successful Radio Show Host. She transmits pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She has a profound background in the business world. For over 20 years, she thrived working in aviation, as a legal assistant and excelled as an office manager. Then, she took a life-altering leap into her true calling as a psychic/tarot reader. In her role, Elizabeth conducts private readings and serves as a consultant in psychic investigations for missing person cases. Her expertise is sought after by private investigators, individual families, and the local police force as well as the FBI.
Elizabeth's talents don't stop there. As a speaker, she uses the universal energies to guide audiences to tap into their intuition and discover their "personal State of Being.” Having navigated the challenges of work-life balance as a mother of two boys, and her dog, Ella May, Elizabeth knows firsthand the pressures of modern life and has developed tools for people to achieve "inner peace".
Website: new-visions.com. 24 hr. Answering Service – 201-934-8986 Listen to Elizabeth Joyce Sunday evenings, 10:00 PM Eastern and 9:00 PM Central at Station 1, on www.BBSRadio.com/letsfindout. Join her for your monthly Tarot reading on YouTube – Embracing Spiritual Frontiers.

Elizabeth Joyce

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