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August Nights

by Eve Wilson

I am blessed through my husband’s family to live up north for half the year. In a cottage surrounded by pines and oaks, on the edge of a very small grass-covered dune overlooking our beach on Lake Michigan.

Summer nights lead me to leave the cottage with its lights, walk carefully along the slender boardwalk that drops off on either side and which I can’t see in the dark under the trees. But I follow the light ahead to emerge at the grassy dune.

If the moon is setting over the water, there is a gravitational pull that I feel down to the cells of my body. It is magnificent and joyful. But when the moon is dark, I look straight up. At the edge of the tree line and spreading out from there I see the Milky Way Galaxy. If the night is clear, the infinity of stars, star clusters, and far away light remind me that I am more than a woman at home here on Earth, in a cottage at the edge of a lake. I am more than a healer, teacher, world ascension worker. I am an eternal soul who has lived across infinite lifetimes within the universe. All of this is my home.

Then come the shooting stars that fall on August nights! Dashing lights from the cosmos. These meteor showers bring bits of the cosmos to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. Again, reminding me that I too have travelled from beyond our Earth, and entered through this atmosphere to seed new life on this planet. This is a memory I carry of a time which was infinitely hard, and spectacularly beautiful and amazing.

I am amazingly blessed and equally burdened by these memories, but I wouldn’t exchange them to be someone else. We each have what we need to fulfill our purpose in a given lifetime. Most of us forget who we are in eternity, where we’ve come from, where we are going. In forgetfulness, we live in the experience of our time and grow strong in ways which we require for our goals to be fulfilled. We are free to focus in the present. But many feel deeply that they are more than they seem, though they don’t know if that is real, or just a fantasy. Let me tell you that it is real.

Find your way to a dark sky this month, on a clear and moonless night. Find the Milky Way Galaxy and wait for the meteor showers to begin. Or go on a night when the moon will set over a body of water. Face west as it sets and let its gravitational pull, draw you beyond limitations for a time. Open heart and mind to recall who you are in eternity. Believe it. You are a part of the vastness of life. You have lived many lifetimes and likely traveled multiple worlds. It is time for your greater self to be recalled and owned.

We on Earth are ascending. This means our bodies, emotions, minds, and souls are rising in vibration out of the false limitations of forgetfulness. We are being called to remember who we are. And as we do that, we are ready to be freed from the stories of lifetimes that have defined our roles and limitations. We are each a seed of the Creator, the One. We have journeyed through many lifetimes of illusory separation to become individuals and then to remember we are an eternal part of the One, co-creating life. Our next stage of co-creation is called the new world. In this phase we are on our way to becoming Ascended Masters. Knowing our oneness with all, but our own sovereign, unique individuality. We are learning to live in unconditional love, complete forgiveness, amazing strength, and exquisite trustworthiness.

To achieve those things, our minds and hearts need to let go of the limitations we have believed. But as though we have been long-caged and the door is suddenly open for us to exit, people don’t understand the opportunity. We tend to stay in the familiar cage.

Let the August night sky awaken within you the freedom of soul which is your own. Let it water the seeds of eternal true self within your being. Stretch beyond the cage for a while and imagine your place within the vast and glorious universe. You are eternal, safe, and unbreakable. Life will change, but you will go on. Beyond limitations which you no longer need you will remember and discover anew your place within the wholeness of life.

Learn about healing and ascension at www.spiritualhealers.com . There you will find support for your journey through Eve Wilson’s International award-winning Weekly Word Blog, Healing and Ascension Monthlies Classes, Healing Treatments and so much more. A Best-Selling Author, Eve teaches people to merge with their Higher Self to co-create the new world, heal, and ascend and help our world ascend to be more sane and joyful.

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